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The idea of creating the first Federation of Military Universities (FMU) in Poland emerged at the end of 2019. Thanks to the mutual efforts of the authorities of the Polish Air Force Academy in Dęblin and the Naval Academy in Gdynia, as well as cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science, on July 27, 2021, by the decision of DSW-WNP.8020.1.2021.2 of the Minister of Education and Science, the Federation of Military Universities was created. On October 1, 2021, the FMU was entered into the federation register.
The Federation currently consists of two participating units: the Naval Academy and the Polish Air Force University. Both the first and the second university have jointly defined goals that they intend to achieve with great commitment and interest.
The tasks of the Federation, aimed at the development of science and military education, as well as at the creation of innovative solutions in the field of national security and defense, have become the basis for cooperation.