Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Design, Modelling, and Simulation of Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle
- Fine-Tuning Method of the GA-based Collision Avoidance System for AUVs
- Neural Swarm Control Algorithm for Underwater Vehicles
- Numerical research of obstacle detection using forward looking sonar model based on a beam of rays
- Building Minimum Spanning Trees under Maximum Edge Length Constraint
- Pareto-efficient strategies in 3-person games played with staircase-function strategies
- Equilibrium stacks for a non-cooperative game defined on a product of staircase-function continuous and finite strategy spaces
- Parallelization of the traveling salesman problem by clustering its nodes and finding the best route passing through the centroids
- Time-subinterval shifting in zero-sum games played in staircase-function finite and uncountably infinite spaces
- Traveling salesman problem parallelization by solving clustered subproblems
- Speedup of the k-Means Algorithm for Partitioning Large Datasets of Flat Points by a Preliminary Partition and Selecting Initial Centroids
- Zastosowanie metod analizy instrumentalnej do oznaczenia zawartości tlenu w mieszaninie helioksowej
- Random centroid initialization for improving centroid-based clustering
- Redukcja liczby defektów CO2 w procesie otrzymywania powietrza oddechowego na hiperbaryczne warunki tlenowe
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Classifying Electronic Components in Industrial Applications
- Multimodal Global Trajectory Planner for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Emerging Modularity During the Evolution of Neural Networks
- Hand Gesture Recognition For Human-Robot Cooperation In Manufacturing Applications
- Neural control system for a swarm of autonomous underwater vehicles
- Ventilation of hyperbaric Facilities during experiments with animala
- Miejsce i rola diagnostyki technicznej obiektów podwodnych w obszarze nauk technicznych
- Synergistic effect of aramid and basalt fibers on mechanical, thermal and dynamic properties of polylactide hybrid composites
- Analysis of Exemplary Impulse Responses of an Underwater Acoustic Channel Measured in Motion
- Evaluation of VSC Impact on Power System Using Adequate P-Q Capability Curve
- Oxygen Diving
- Automation, Operation and Maintenance of Control and Communication Systems
- Kinematyka i dynamika pojazdów morskich
- Desing optimization of the rescue device for the Argo profilinf float – SWOT/TOWS analisis of desing variants
- Multi-symptom measurement based fault detection of the PEM fuel cell system
- Using Interchangeably the Extended Kalman Filter and Geodetic Robust Adjustment Methods to Increase the Accuracy of Surface Vehicle Positioning in the Coastal Zone
- Dual Quaternions For The Kinematic Description Of A Fish–Like Propulsion System
- Model systemu detekcji przeszkód i mapowania środowiska dla autonomicznych pojazdów podwodnych
- Application of Multi-Criteria Optimization Methods in the Calibration Process of Digital Measuring Instruments
- Comparison of the noise produced by the polymer and bronze P1566 propellers in the cavitation tunnel
- Environmental impact of the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines
- Analysis of Changes in the Opening Pressure of Marine Engine Injectors Based on Vibration Parameters Recorded at a Constant Torque Load
- A Concept of Autonomous Multi-Agent Navigation System for Unmanned Surface Vessels
- A Hyper-Heuristic for the Preemptive Single Machine Scheduling Problem to Minimize the Total Weighted Tardiness
- Accurate Detection Of Multiple Targets By Uniform Rectangular Array Radar With Threshold Soft Update And Area Rescanning
- Analysis of Impulse Responses Measured in Motion in a Towing Tank
- Analysis of Perovskite Solar Cell Degradation over Time Using NIR Spectroscopy—A Novel Approach
- Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Analysis of Time-Variable Optical Reflectance Spectra in Digital Light Projection Spectroscopy
- Applying the Geodetic Adjustment Method for Positioning in Relation to the Swarm Leader of Underwater Vehicles Based on Course, Speed, and Distance Measurements
- Approximations of kinetic equations of swarm formation: Convergence and exact solutions
- Arima Model Optimal Selection for Time Series Forecasting
- Comparison of How Graphite and Shungite Affect Thermal, Mechanical, and Dielectric Properties of Dielectric Elastomer-Based Composites
- Design and Implementation of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle with Hybrid Drive – REBA
- Determining the Trajectory of the Crane Block Using the Finite Element Method
- Equilibrium stacks for a three-person game on a product of staircase-function continuous and finite strategy spaces
- Finite uniform approximation of two-person games defined on a product of staircase-function infinite spaces
- Finite uniform approximation of zero-sum games defined on a product of staircase-function continuous spaces
- Hill-Climb-Assembler Encoding: Evolution of Small/Mid-Scale Artificial Neural Networks for Classification and Control Problems
- Impact of Starting Outlier Removal on Accuracy of Time Series Forecasting
- Monitoring Time-Non-Stable Surfaces Using Mobile NIR DLP Spectroscopy
- Nine-Point Iterated Rectangle Dichotomy for Finding All Local Minima of Unknown Bounded Surface
- Numerical Research on the Mathematical Model of Echosounder for Distance to Bottom Measurement
- Odbiór zbiorczy z filtracją adaptacyjną RLS w transmisji danych w kanale hydroakustycznym
- Pareto-efficient strategies in 2-person games in staircase-function continuous and finite spaces
- Perspektywy rozwoju infrastruktury badawczej Akademii Marynarki Wojennej w obszarze technologii podwodnych
- Propulsion System Analysis Based on Particle Image Velocimetry Method in Biomimetic Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
- Real-time path planning for Autonomous Navigation Systems of Unmanned Surface Vehicles
- Review of Collision Avoidance and Path Planning Algorithms Used in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Review of Obstacle Detection Systems for Collision Avoidance of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Tested in a Real Environment
- Side Fins Performance in Biomimetic Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
- Strouhal Number Measurement for Novel Biomimetic Folding Fins Using an Image Processing Method
- Time-unit shifting in 2-person games played in finite and uncountably infinite staircase-function spaces
- Trajectory Tracking Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Called PAST
- Transmisja danych w kanale hydroakustycznym w warunkach NLOS
- Using Hill Climb Modular Assembler Encoding and Differential Evolution to evolve modular neuro-controllers of an autonomous underwater vehicle acting as a Magnetic Anomaly Detector
- Time Series Smoothing and Downsampling for Improving Forecasting Accuracy
- Online heuristic for the preemptive single machine scheduling problem to minimize the total weighted tardiness
- Refinement of acyclic-and-asymmetric payoff aggregates of pure strategy efficient Nash equilibria in finite noncooperative games by maximultimin and superoptimality
- Improvement of Pilot Symbol Orthogonal Sequences in 22 to 44 MIMO Wireless Communication Systems with Channel State Estimation
- A Review of Underwater Mine Detection and Classification in Sonar Imagery
- Innovative Energy-Saving Propulsion System for Low-Speed Biomimetic Underwater Vehicles
- Methodology for the Correction of the Spatial Orientation Angles of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Real Time GNSS, a Shoreline Image and an Electronic Navigational Chart
- The Methodology for Assessing the Impact of Offshore Wind Farms on Navigation, Based on the Automatic Identification System Historical Data
- Experimental analysis of tardiness in preemptive single machine scheduling
- Acceptable-and-attractive Approximate Solution of a Continuous Non-Cooperative Game on a Product of Sinusoidal Strategy Functional Spaces
- Multiple direction interference suppression by uniform linear phased array sidelobe efficient canceller
- Hill Climb Modular Assembler Encoding: Evolving Modular Neural Networks of fixed modular architecture
- A sorting improvement in the heuristic based on remaining available and processing periods to minimize total tardiness in progressive idling-free 1-machine preemptive scheduling
- Sorting approaches in the heuristic based on remaining available and processing periods to minimize total weighted tardiness in progressive idling-free 1-machine preemptive scheduling
- Assessment of ship position estimation accuracy based on radar navigation mark echoes identified in an Electronic Navigational Chart
- Application of B Splines to Identification of the Movement Equations of the Floating Objects
- Stereo Vision System for Vision-Based Control of Inspection-Class ROVs
- A Method for Underwater Wireless Data Transmission in a Hydroacoustic Channel under NLOS Conditions
- Method for Assessing the Dynamics and Efficiency of Diving Fins
- Comparison of Different Course Controllers of Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle with Two Tail Fins
- Identification in a Laboratory Tunnel to Control Fluid Velocity
- Vision-Based Modelling and Control of Small Underwater Vehicles
- A prototype model for semantic segmentation of curvilinear meandering regions by deconvolutional neural networks
- A Method of Selecting the Number of Coordinates of a Vector Criterion in a Polyoptimal Decision-Making Process
- The Single Degree of Freedom Simulation Model of Underwater Explosion Impact
- Contactless turnouts heating for energy consumption optimization
- Wind Speed Distribution Direct Approximation by Accumulative Statistics of Measurements and Root-Mean-Square Deviation Control
- Effect of Diatomaceous Biosilica and Talc on the Properties of Dielectric Elastomer Based Composites
- Simulation of Fuzzy Control of Oxygen Flow in PEM Fuel Cells
- Sizing and Control Algorithms of a Hybrid Energy Storage System Based on Fuel Cells
- Division-by-q dichotomization for interval uncertainty reduction by cutting off equal parts from the left and right based on expert judgments under short-termed observations
- Motion Control of Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in Presence of Parameters Uncertainties
- Adaptive Finite Approximation of Continuous Noncooperative Games
- Using NeuroEvolutionary Techniques to Tune Odometric Navigational System of Small Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicle : Preliminary Report
- Finite Approximation of Continuous Noncooperative Two-person Games on a Product of Linear Strategy Functional Spaces
- Heuristic's job order efficiency in tight-tardy progressive idling-free 1-machine preemptive scheduling of equal-length jobs
- Tight-tardy progressive idling-free 1-machine preemptive scheduling by heuristic's efficient job order input
- An Automated System for Analysing Swim-Fins Efficiency
- Analysis of a Fin Drag Force in a Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle
- Communication System Between the ROV and the USV's Edredon Control Post
- Detection of Changes in the Opening Pressure of Marine Engine Injectors Using Vibration Methods
- Digital Signal Processing for Hydroacoustic System in Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle
- Using Pretrained AlexNet Deep Learning Neural Network for Recognition of Underwater Objects
- Vibration Diagnostics of Marine Diesel Engines Malfunctions Connected with Injection Pumps Supported by Modelling
- Influence of fin's material capabilities on the propulsion system of biomimetic underwater vehicle
- Parameters identification of the flexible fin kinematics model using vision and genetic algorithms
- A Non-invasive Method of Marine Engines Fuel System Diagnostics
- Dobór parametrów filtracji w cepstrum dla potrzeb poprawy jakości odbieranego sygnału
- The Effectiveness of Using a Pretrained Deep Learning Neural Networks for Object Classification in Underwater Video
- Doppler Effect in 2 2 to 4 4 Mimo Systems of Wireless Communication with Orthogonal Pilot Channel Estimation
- Pilot Symbol Error Re - Orthogonalization in 2 2 MIMO Systems of Wireless Communication
- Analysis of Satellite Compass Error's Spectrum
- Application of Diversity Combining with RLS Adaptive Filtering in Data Transmission in a Hydroacoustic Channel
- Automated Calibration System for Digital Multimeters Not Equipped with a Communication Interface
- Hydroacoustic System in a Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle to Avoid Collision with Vessels with Low-Speed Propellers in a Controlled Environment
- Reduction of the Multipath Propagation Effect in a Hydroacoustic Channel Using Filtration in Cepstrum
- Shoreline Detection and Land Segmentation for Autonomous Surface Vehicle Navigation with the Use of an Optical System
- Neural collision avoidance system for biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle
- Selection of Training Options for Deep Learning Neural Network Using Genetic Algorithm
- An Improvement of the VDSR Network for Single Image Super-Resolution by Truncation and Adjustment of the Learning Rate Parameters
- Minimal total weighted tardiness in tight-tardy single machine preemptive idling-free scheduling
- Ecological-economic balance in fining environmental pollution subjects by a dyadic 3-person game model
- Self-organization with small range interactions: equilibria and creation of bipolarity
- Energy efficiency analysis of railway turnout heating system with a melting snow model heated by classic and contactless heating method
- Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Tuning Course Controller of Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle
- Marine diesel engine Common Rail injectors monitoring with vibration parameters ; Kontrola stanu technicznego wtryskiwaczy Common Rail silników okretowych na podstawie pomiarów parametrów drganiowych
- Generator of a toy dataset of multi-polygon monochrome images for rapidly testing and prototyping semantic image segmentation networks
- A New Analytical and Numerical Method for Describing the Response of a Linear Antenna for Pulse Excitation Submission
- A heuristic's job order gain in pyramidal preemptive job scheduling problems for total weighted completion time minimization
- Ship trajectory anomaly detection
- Detection of Land in Marine Images
- A minimax approach to mapping partial interval uncertainties into point estimates
- Accuracy of a heuristic for total weighted completion time minimization in preemptive single machine scheduling problem by no idle time intervals
- Accurate total weighted tardiness minimization in tight-tardy progressive single machine scheduling with preemptions by no idle periods
- An infinitely scalable dataset of single-polygon grayscale images as a fast test platform for semantic image segmentation
- An uplink power control routine for quality-of-service equalization in wireless data transfer networks constrained to equidistant power levels
- Iterative power maximization by one-half cost dichotomy for optimizing wind farm deployment
- Pattern Recognition : Selected Methods and Applications / editor Andrzej Żak
- Precise control of the unmanned surface ship : selected problems
- On a method for supporting visual identification of underwater objects ; O pewnej metodzie wspomagania identyfikacji wizyjnej obiektów podwodnych
- Fuzzy Identification of The Reliability State of The Mine Detecting Ship Propulsion System
- Dynamic simulation of the tubular linear actuator with permanent magnets
- Filtracja odebranego sygnału przekształconego do postaci cepstralnej jako metoda redukcji efektu wielodrogowości w kanale radiowym
- Redukcja wielodrogowości w kanale radiowym poprzez filtrację w cepstrum odbieranego sygnału : badania symulacyjne
- Sprzężenie impulsu pola elektrycznego z przewodem ; Coupling a pulse of electric field with cable
- Stanowisko do analizy sygnałów przesyłanych w kanale hydroakustycznym ; Measurement stand for analysis of signals transmitted in a hydroacoustic channel
- Research on the Responses of the Hybrid Power System based on Energy Profiles
- Assessment of the Accuracy of Determining the Angular Position of the Unmanned Bathymetric Surveying Vehicle Based on the Sea Horizon Image
- The compass error comparison of an onboard standard gyrocompass, fiber-optic gyrocompass (FOG) and satellite compass
- Fast-and-Smoother Uplink Power Control Algorithm Based on Distance Ratios for Wireless Data Transfer Systems
- Concept and First Results of Optical Navigational System
- Control of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle as a Member of Vehicles Team Performing a Given Task
- Preliminary Calculations for Minehunter's Genset Foundations
- Selection of UUV Type ROV Equipment and Cooperation System with USV "Edredon" in Protection Tasks of Ports and Critical Objects
- A heuristic's job order gain for total weighted completion time minimization in the preemptive scheduling problem by subsequent length-equal job importance growth
- Procedures of Power Distribution in Propulsion System of Torpedo-shaped Underwater Vehicle
- Echoes cancellation in hydroacoustic channel : experimental research
- Koshelev antenna as an element of the antenna array
- Identification of dynamics of electric power transmission system of underwater vehicle
- An efficient technique for size reduction of convolutional neural networks after transfer learning for scene recognition tasks
- Smooth non-increasing square spatial extents of filters in convolutional layers of CNNs for image classification problems
- Analiza wpływu zmian obwodu magnetycznego stojana na statyczne własności modelu elektromagnetycznego silnika liniowego ; Analysis of the impact of changes in the stator magnetic circuit on static properties of the electromagnetic linear motor model
- The impact of the magnetization direction on the static and dynamic parameters of an electromagnetic linear actuator ; Badanie wpływu kierunku magnesowania na własności statyczne i dynamiczne liniowego przetwornika elektromechanicznego
- The minimization of exact total weighted completion time in the preemptive scheduling problem by subsequent length-equal job importance growth
- An attempt of finding an appropriate number of convolutional layers in CNNs based on benchmarks of heterogeneous datasets
- Appropriateness of numbers of receptive fields in convolutional neural networks based on classifying CIFAR-10 and EEACL26 datasets
- Anchor box parameters and bounding box overlap ratios for the Faster R-CNN detector in detecting a single object by the masking background
- The concept of a quiet undulating propulsion with ionic polymer-metal composites in autonomous underwater vehicles
- A quick algorithm for horizon line detection in marine images
- Decision making criteria hybridization for finding optimal decisions subset regarding changes of the decision function
- Assessment of noise and vibration hazards generated by hybrid PEM-FC personal power supply
- Diagnostics in ballast water management
- Stanowisko do pomiaru sprawności napędu elektrycznego w małych pojazdach podwodnych
- Acyclic-and-asymmetric payoff triplet refinement of pure strategy efficient Nash equilibria in trimatrix games by maximinimin and superoptimality
- Pure strategy Nash equilibria refinement in bimatrix games by using domination efficiency along with maximin and the superoptimality rule
- Wind turbine power curve exponential model with differentiable cut-in and cut-out parts
- The practical aspects of implementation of the thrust allocation procedure for a multi-propulsor underwater robot ; Praktyczne aspekty implementacji procedury alokacji naporów dla wielopędnikowego statku głębionowego
- Highlighting a close-to-one-specific-color surface based on thresholding color-channel-wise distances to a pixel palette
- Correction of navigational information supplied to biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle
- Report on research with biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle - low level control ; Raport z badań nad biomimetycznym autonomicznym pojazdem podwodnym - sterowanie niskopoziomowe
- Report on research with biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle - navigation and autonomous operation ; Raport z badań nad biomimetycznym autonomicznym pojazdem podwodnym - nawigacja i autonomiczny system sterowania
- Static analysis of the tubular electromagnetic linear actuator with permanents magnets ; Analiza statystyczna elektromagnetycznego tubowego silnika liniowego z magnesami trwałymi
- Thrust measurement of biomimetic underwater vehicle with undulating propulsion ; Pomiar naporu biomimetycznego pojazdu podwodnego z napędem falowym
- Wind farm energy and costs optimization algorithm under uncertain parameters of wind speed distribution
- Flexibilization in tariffing for passages by Polish public transport via prepaid services and GPS navigation with controllers of time and distance
- Maximization of collective utility and minimization of payoff parity losses for ordering and scaling efficient Nash equilibria in trimatrix games with asymmetric payoffs
- Optimal partitioning of an initial dataset into subdatasets to be clustered for getting rid off the dataset superfluities for a machine learning task
- Optimization of a dataset for machine learning task by clustering and selecting closet-to-the-centroid objects
- A couple of collective utility and minimum payoff parity loss rules for refining Nash equilibria in bimatrix games with asymmetric payoffs
- A DropOut technique study for the Faster R-CNN detectors with pretrained convolutional neural networks for detecting very simple objects that can be masked ; Doslìdžennâ tehnìki DropOut dlâ detektorìv Faster R-CNN z napered navčenimi zgortkovimi nejronnim
- A method of determination of radio communication channel response
- Appropriateness of DropOut layers and allocation of their 0.5 rates across convolutional neural networks for CIFAR-10, EEACL26, and NORB datasets
- Sterowanie biomimetycznym pojazdem podwodnym na płaszczyźnie poziomej - badania symulacyjne ; Control of biomimetic underwater vehicle on vertical surface - numerical research
- High and medium speed marine diesel engines injection installation vibration diagnostics ; Diagnostyka drganiowa instalacji wtryskowej szybko i średnioobrotowych okrętowych silników spalinowych
- Online assessment of the lead - acid battery electrical capacity on submarines ; Ocena online pojemności okrętowej baterii ołowiowo-kwasowej
- The impact estimation of damping foundations in dynamics of the rotor system ; Ocena wpływu tłumienia fundamentów na charakterystyki dynamiczne układów wirnikowych
- Classifying scaled-turned-shifted objects with optimal pixel-to-scale-turn-shift standard deviations ratio in training 2-layer perceptron on scaled-turned-shifted 4800-featured objects under normally distributed feature distortion
- Appropriate number of standard 22 max pooling layers and their allocation in convolutional neural networks for diverse and heterogeneous datasets
- Depth stabilization of biomimetic underwater vehicle without swim bladder
- Algorithms for passive detection of moving vessels in marine environment
- Highlevel control system for biomimetic autonomous under-water vehicle
- Experimental verification of the one-phase linear actuator with permanent magnets for robotic system applications
- Laboratory stand for research on mini CyberSeal
- Turning maneuver of biomimetic underwater vehicle
- Finding an optimal decisions' subset by minimaximax regret criterion regarding instability of the decision function
- Flexible Solution of a 2-layer Perceptron Optimization by its Size and Training Set Smooth Distortion Ratio for Classifying Simple-Structured Objects Vadim V. Romanuke
- Comparison of fuzzy system with neural aggregation FSNA with classical TSK fuzzy system in anti-collision problem of USV
- Analiza oddziaływań dynamicznych na linię wałów okrętów transportowo-minowych ; Analysis of dynamic impacts on landing vessels shaftline
- Analiza możliwości wykorzystania materiałów polimerowych w budowie okrętów wojennych w aspekcie przepisów towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych ; Analysis of the use of polymer materials for naval shipbuilding in terms of rules of classification societies
- Wodorowe ogniwa paliwowe PEM - badania wpływu natężenia przepływu tlenu na membranę polimerową ; PEM hydrogen fuel cells - experimental studies on the effect of oxygen flow rate on the polymer membrane
- Diagnostic model of fuel installation of marine diesel engine
- Energy profiles as a method for minimizing weight of hybrid power supply systems ; Profile energetyczne jako metoda zminimalizowania ciężaru hybrydowych układów zasilających
- Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Polish Naval Academy - eighty-five years of training and scientific research work. part I.
- Polish experience in developing and employing unmanned surface vehicles at sea ; Krajowe doświadczenia w konstrukcji i zastosowaniu bezzałogowych pojazdów nawodnych na morzu
- Vibration diagnostics of the naval propulsion systems ; Diagnostyka drganiowa okrętowych układów napędowych
- Stanowisko do wyznaczania odpowiedzi impulsowej kanału hydroakustycznego ; Measurement stand for estimate of hydroacoustic channel impulse response
- Advances in Underwater Acoustics / edited by Andrzej Zak