Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Some Notes on Draft Survey Calculations
- Safety Management on Ro-Ro Passenger Ships
- Draft Survey: The Question of Accuracy
- Threats for GNSS – Present Status & Counteractions
- Spectral Analysis of Compass Errors Based on Fast Fourier Transform and Reduction Absolute Errors Using a Pass-Band Finite Impulse Response Filter
- Applied Maritime Engineering and Transportation Problems 2022
- Radary w służbie meteorologii
- WR 2120 weather radar in support of navigation safety - operational experience
- The influence of the geographic positioning system error on the quality of ship magnetic signature reproduction based on measurements in sea conditions
- Arktyczny rejs polskich statków w 1956 roku
- Przegląd współczesnych metod satelitarnych i lotniczych wykorzystywanych w mapowaniu dna morskiego
- Verification of the AIS service availability model based on dynamic data streams recorded from three receiving stations in the Polish coastal area
- Praktyczna meteorologia morska. Ćwiczenia i laboratoria
- Pomnik Józefa Conrada Korzeniowskiego – historia powstania
- Komandor Zdzisław Kopacz. Nauczyciel nawigatorów
- Accuracy of marine gravimetric measurements in terms of geodetic coordinates of land reference benchmark
- Assessment of the Symmetry and Deformation of a Submarine Hull Using the PCSE Method
- Design of Software for Underwater Vehicles Operating in a Swarm
- Automatic Classification of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Based on Deep Learning Neural Networks (DLNNS)
- Time Constant as the Main Component to Optimize the Resistance Temperature Sensors’ Calibration Process
- Impact Of Sars-Cov-2 On Inpost's Service Perception In Sosnowiec
- Shock impact simulation model along with the harmonic effect of the working device
- A-Star (A*) with Map Processing for the Global Path Planning of Autonomous Underwater and Surface Vehicles Operating in Large Areas
- A Comparative Study of Different Collision Avoidance Systems With Local Path Planning for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- The concept of disrupting anti-radiation missiles in a radar decoy system
- A New Statistical Method for Determining the Clutter Covariance Matrix in Spatial–Temporal Adaptive Processing of a Radar Signal
- Określenie jakości pozycjonowania EGNOS + SDCM w procedurze podejścia do lądowania statku powietrznego
- Algorithms for improving the position determination of an UAV equipped with a single-frequency GPS receiver for low-altitude photogrammetry
- Badania troposfery oparte o dane GNSS i obserwacje aerologiczne
- Accuracy analysis of aircraft position parameters provided by GCA 2000 airport surveillance radar
- Analysis of the phenomenon of fog in the aspect of performance of air operations at selected airports in Poland
- Accuracy analysis of aircraft positioning using navigational data from AVIA-W radar
- Methodology to improve the accuracy of determining the position of UAVS equipped with single-frequency receivers for the purposes of gathering data on aviation obstacles
- Accuracy assessment of precise point positioning with multi-constellation GNSS data under strong solar burst efects
- Analysis of GPS/EGNOS Positioning Quality Using Different Ionospheric Models in UAV Navigation
- Examination of different models of troposphere delays in SBAS positioning aerial navigation
- Analiza systemu GBAS w kontekście ochrony środowiska na przykładzie portu lotniczego we Frankfurcie
- Analiza porównawcza metod estymacji macierzy kowariancji zakłóceń w przestrzenno-czasowym adaptacyjnym przetwarzaniu sygnałów
- Szacowanie dokładności współrzędnych GNSS w oparciu i nieklasyczną teorię błędów pomiarów
- The Architecture of the on-Board Power System of a More Electric Aircraft
- Niwelacja od czasów starożytności do czasów obecnych: Instrumenty, techniki i dokładności
- Analysis of the Impact of Aircraft Maneuvers and Atmospheric Conditions on the Quality of Clutter Suppression in Space-Time Adaptive Processing
- Minimizing the risk of accidents in-ground airport operations carried out by aircraft
- Capon-like method for direction of arrival estimation using TDM MIMO radar
- Analysis of the precision of determination of aircraft coordinates using EGNOS+SDCM solution
- Precyzyjna metoda wyznaczania nieoznaczoności dla obserwacji L1-L2 systemu GPS
- Achieving centimeters-level GPS positioning accuracy using a smartphone for mapping applications
- Impact of using type mean vs. individual receiver antenna PCC in multi-GNSS PPP
- Application of MARKOV chains, MTBF and machine learning in air transport reliabilit
- Analysis of Galactic Cosmic Ray Anisotropy During the Time Period from 1996 to 2020
- Accuracy analysis of EGNOS positioning in flight test in air transport
- Comparison of L1 and L5 GPS smartphone absolute positioning results
- Impact of BeiDou Observations on the Accuracy of Multi-GNSS PPP in a Function of Observing Session Duration within Europe—Analysis Based on Open-Source Software GAMP
- On a Possibility of a Side Impact Collision Analysis
- The Influence of Pressure in the Infusion Method Upon Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites
Risk Management in Aviation Infrastructure: A Statistical Analysis of Selected European Countries - Continuous unitary transformation approach to the Kondo–Majorana interplay
- Analysis of past aircraft incidents in respect of occurrence of aircraft accident
- Application of space-time adaptive signal processing in radiolocation
- The effectiveness of training military jet pilots using the integrated training system of the M346 Bielik aircraft in the Polish Air Force
- Wybrane aspekty zabezpieczenia nawigacji lotniczej. Część 3
Predictive modeling of flight delays using decission tree - Stability test of Hyperloop vehicle in different movement conditions
- Wykorzystanie wymiaru kosmicznego na rzecz operacji sił powietrznych
- A bird strike against a helicopter windshield in the aspect of experimental and numerical investigations
- Analysis of normative documents and legal regulations in the context of fulfillment the requirements of UAV systems and conditions for flight operations
- Analysis of selected problems of the operation of means of air transport
- Innovative directions in air transport: analysis of new energy sources
- The Seasonal Variations Analysis of Permanent GNSS Station Time Series in the Central-East of Europe
- Reliability of unmanned aerial vehicles: winglets’ issue
- Psychophysical Directed Preparation of a Military Pilot for Flights
- Wpływ innowacyjnych technologii na bezpieczeństwo portów lotniczych
- Implementation of the Mean Time to Failure Indicator in the Control of the Logistical Support of the Operation Process
- The influence of manufacturing technology on the mechanical properties of the layered composite
- Development of aviation infrastructure in selected European countries: statistical analysis and implications
- Identification and neutralisation of unmanned aircraft
- Application of unmanned aerial systems in the air force
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- The Properties of a Ship’s Compass in the Context of Ship Manoeuvrability
- System of automatic generation of ship maneuver documentation
- Capabilities to use passive measurement systems to detect objects moving in a water region
- Multi-band, calibrated backscatter from high frequency multibeam systems as an efficient tool for seabed monitoring
- Stability Control on Ro-Ro Passenger Ships as the Main Factor of Ship’s Safety
- Software defined radio and the open software as a critical threat for unmanned objects
- Method for Determining Coastline Course Based on Low-Altitude Images Taken by a UAV
- Limitations of Multi-GNSS Positioning of USV in Area with High Harbour Infrastructure
- Coastal Bathymetric Sounding in Very Shallow Water Using USV, Study of Public Beach in Gdynia, Poland
- Accuracy Assessment of the Positioning of a Swarm of Underwater Vehicles in Relation to Four Surface Vehicles Using the TDOA Method
- The Impact of Side-Scan Sonar Resolution and Acoustic Shadow Phenomenon on the Quality of Sonar Imagery and Data Interpretation Capabilities
- 90 lat pierwszego polskiego wydania Locji Bałtyku
- Pomiary batymetryczne – współczesność i spojrzenie w przyszłość
- Pożegnanie Nauczyciela Nawigatorów. Komandor dr Zdzisław Kopacz, profesor AMW (30.11.1940 r. – 02.07.2023 r.)
- Sound propagation in water — overview of relevance for the search for submarines
- Method of Time Estimation for the Bathymetric Surveys Conducted with a Multi-Beam Echosounder System
- In memoriam — Prof. Grażyna Grelowska
- Wykorzystanie USV do mapowania dna oceanicznego po wybuchu wulkanu HT-HH w archipelagu Tonga
- Wprowadzenie do meteorologii morskiej i oceanografii Cz. 1
- Woda w atmosferze i powstawanie chmur
- Testing of Technical Fabrics under Fast Camera Control
- Geodata in science - a review of selected scientific fields
- Using Interchangeably the Extended Kalman Filter and Geodetic Robust Adjustment Methods to Increase the Accuracy of Surface Vehicle Positioning in the Coastal Zone
- Modele dostępności, wiarygodności i dokładności okrętowych systemów i urządzeń nawigacyjnych - wybrane zagadnienia
- Model systemu detekcji przeszkód i mapowania środowiska dla autonomicznych pojazdów podwodnych
- Application of Multi-Criteria Optimization Methods in the Calibration Process of Digital Measuring Instruments
- Comparison of the noise produced by the polymer and bronze P1566 propellers in the cavitation tunnel
- Meteorology for students of the Romanian Naval Academy “Mircea cel Batran”
- Voyage Planning for students of the “Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- Dual Receiver EGNOS+SDCM Positioning with C1C and C1W Pseudo-Range Measurements
- Performance of DGPS Smartphone Positioning with the Use of P(L1) vs. P(L5) Pseudorange Measurements
- Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Bird Models for Bird Strike Analysis
- Estimation of Zenith Tropospheric Delays Based on GNSS Data Around the Ukrainian Antarctic Akademik Vernadsky station
- Research and Comparative Analysis of the Accuracy in Determining the Parameters of the Position of Aircraft by Air Traffic Control Radars Avia-W and GCA-2000
- Accuracy Analysis of Aircraft Positioning Using Real Radar and GPS Data
- Zastosowanie metody pozycjonowania SBAS/ EGNOS do wyznaczenia współrzędnych BSP
- Method for Determining the Susceptibility of the Track
- Influence of the Bird Model Shape on the Results of Numerical Analyses of Bird Models Impact Against a Rigid Plate
- Accuracy analysis of aircraft positioning using GPS dual receivers in aerial navigation
- Accuracy Examination of the SDCM Augmentation System in Aerial Navigation
- Analysis of the Determination of the Accuracy Parameter for Dual Receivers Based on EGNOS Solution in Aerial Navigation
- Designation of the Quality of EGNOS+SDCM Satellite Positioning in the Approach to Landing Procedure
- Automated Detection of Atypical Aviation Obstacles from UAV Images Using a YOLO Algorithm
- Methodology of Detection and Classification of Selected Aviation Obstacles Based on UAV Dense Image Matching
- Analysis of the accuracy of EGNOS+SDCM positioning in aerial navigation
- Ukierunkowane psychofizyczne przygotowania pilota wojskowego do lotów
- Wykorzystanie technik nawigacyjnych w lotnictwie. Cz. 2
- Analiza dokładności chipsetów GNSS w nowoczesnych mobilnych urządzeniach
- Analiza wykorzystania zegarków sportowych Garmin w pomiarach działek rolnych
- The research of the deviation of the flight monitoring system for aircraft
- Analiza wybranych danych meteorologicznych wpływających na wykonywanie operacji lotniczych przez statek powietrzny M-346 Bielik
- Analiza wybranych zjawisk atmosferycznych w porcie lotniczym Łódź-Lublinek
- Analiza zjawisk atmosferycznych występujących w akcjach ratowniczych prowadzonych w obszarze górskim
- Badanie dokładności pozycjonowania satelitarnego SDCM w nawigacji
- Badanie przydatności techniki pomiarowej PPP w kontekście określenia precyzyjnej trajektorii odniesienia statku powietrznego w operacji lotniczej
- Instytut Nawigacji w strukturze Lotniczej Akademii Wojskowej
- System GBAS jako innowacyjne narzędzie redukcji zanieczyszczeń emitowanych prze statki powietrzne
- Wykorzystanie metody BSSD Iono-Free w systemie GLONASS do określenia pozycji statku powietrznego
- Wykorzystanie systemu wspomagania SDCM w nawigacji lotniczej
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- An analytical four-layer horizontal electric current dipole model for analysing underwater electric potential in shallow seawater
- Analysis of inland waterway vessel propulsion by criterion efficiency, ecology and safety
- Analysis of Transformation Methods of Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Based on the Tombolo Measurement Campaign in Sopot
- Application of Generator-Electric Motor System for Emergency Propulsion of a Vessel in the Event of Loss of the Full Serviceability of the Diesel Main Engine
- Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to Identification of Underwater Airplane Wreck in Shallow Water Environment: Case Study of the Baltic Sea, Poland
- Applying the Geodetic Adjustment Method for Positioning in Relation to the Swarm Leader of Underwater Vehicles Based on Course, Speed, and Distance Measurements
- Availability of Automatic Identification System (AIS) Based on Spectral Analysis of Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) Determined from Dynamic Data Age
- Determination of the Minimum Safe Distance between a USV and a Hydro-Engineering Structure in a Restricted Water Region Sounding
- Determination of USV’s Direction Using Satellite and Fluxgate Compasses and GNSS-RTK
- Głębokość w hydrografii: rys historyczny
- Kompasy okrętowe i urządzenia orientacji przestrzennej
- Magnetic Signature Description of Ellipsoid-Shape Vessel Using 3D Multi-Dipole Model Fitted on Cardinal Directions
- Measuring the Speed of Docking Ship with Total Station
- Meteorology for students of the Maritime University of Szczecin
- Meteorology for students of the Polish Naval Academy
- Methodology for Verifying the Indication Correctness of a Vessel Compass Based on the Spectral Analysis of Heading Errors and Reliability Theory
- Monitoring Time-Non-Stable Surfaces Using Mobile NIR DLP Spectroscopy
- Oceanography for students of the Maritime University of Szczecin
- Oceanography for students of the Polish Naval Academy
- Pierwszy rejs dookoła świata "Daru Młodzieży" (1987-1988)
- Simplified Method of Determination of the Sound Speed in Water on the Basis of Temperature Measurements and Salinity Prediction for Shallow Water Bathymetry
- Voyage planning for students of the Maritime University of Szczecin
- Współczesne odtworzenie mapy przejścia ORP „Orzeł” z Tallina do Rosyth w pracy inżynierskiej
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- A Model for Planning Wagonload Freight Transport Under Relative Uncertainty
- A New Strategy for Improving the Accuracy of Aircraft Positioning Using DGPS Technique in Aerial Navigation
- Accuracy estimation of site coordinates derived from GNSS-observations by non-classical error theory of measurements
- Application the SBAS/EGNOS Corrections in UAV Positioning
- Checking Aircraft Engines Adjustment
- Dynamical leakage of Majorana mode into side-attached quantum dot
- E1 Signal Processing of the Galileo System in the Navigation Receiver
- First Results of Time Series Analysis of the Permanent GNSS Observations at Polish EPN Stations Using GipsyX Software
- Improvement of UAV Positioning Performance Based on EGNOS+SDCM Solution
- Konstrukcja algorytmów modułu RAIM odbiornika GNSS w nawigacji lotniczej
- Mechanical Wear Contact between the Wheel and Rail on a Turnout with Variable Stiffness
- Model matematyczny wyznaczenia pozycji statku powietrznego na podstawie danych radarowych
- New Methodology for Computing the Aircraft’s Position Based on the PPP Method in GPS and GLONASS Systems
- Nowoczesne technologie dla lotnictwa cywilnego - wybrane zagadnienia
- Ocena dokładności nawigowania z użyciem systemu monitorowania ruchu statków powietrznych
- Określenie wpływu kąta elewacji na dokładność wyznaczenia współrzędnych stacji referencyjnej gnss w Dęblinie
- Operation and reliability of an onboard GNSS receiver during an in-flight test
- Podejścia instrumentalne GNSS dla Lotnisk GA w górach
- Practical Use of Composite Materials Used in Military Aircraft
- RTK Kinematic Positioning Accuracy with Double Phase Difference of SIS GNSS signals
- Railroad Turnout Wear Diagnostics
- Route optimization for city cleaning vehicle
- Study and Analysis of Interference Signals of the LTE System of the GNSS Receiver
- Systemy radionawigacyjne w kontekście wybranych aspektów transportu powietrznego
- Wpływ poprawki troposferycznej na wyznaczenie błędów średnich współrzędnych statku powietrznego
- Wykorzystywanie danych oraz serwisów dostepnych w projektach IGS/EPN jako alternatywy dla regionalnych komercyjnych sieci stacji referencyjnych
- The Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana demographically outperforms European native mussels
- The GPS/EGNOS positioning quality in APV-1 and LPV-200 flight procedures
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Three-Dimensional Thematic Map Imaging of the Yacht Port on the Example of the Polish National Sailing Centre Marina in Gdańsk
- Integration of Multi-Source Geospatial Data from GNSS Receivers, Terrestrial Laser Scanners, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Automatic Identification of Internal Wave Characteristics Affecting Bathymetric Measurement Based on Multibeam Echosounder Water Column Data Analysis
- Determining the Seasonal Variability of the Territorial Sea Baseline in Poland (20182020) Using Integrated USV/GNSS/SBES Measurements
- Innovative Energy-Saving Propulsion System for Low-Speed Biomimetic Underwater Vehicles
- Methodology for the Correction of the Spatial Orientation Angles of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Real Time GNSS, a Shoreline Image and an Electronic Navigational Chart
- The Importance of Under-Keel Sound Velocity Sensor in Measuring Water Depth with Multibeam Echosounder
- The Methodology for Assessing the Impact of Offshore Wind Farms on Navigation, Based on the Automatic Identification System Historical Data
- Reliability Measures in GNSS Multi-constellation Systems
- Assessment of ship position estimation accuracy based on radar navigation mark echoes identified in an Electronic Navigational Chart
- Measurement Campaign and Mathematical Model Construction for the Ship Zodiak Magnetic Signature Reproduction
- A more reasonable model for submarines rescues seat strength analysis
- Batymetria pochodząca z kosmosu
- A Method of Increasing the Accuracy of Radar Distance Measurement in VTS Systems for Vessels with Very Large Dimensions
- Automatic Identification System (AIS) Dynamic Data Integrity Monitoring and Trajectory Tracking Based on the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Process Model
- Increasing the Reliability of Simulation Tests in Navigation and Maneuvering Simulators Using the k-Epsilon Model Based on the RANS Method
- The Russian ALFA System in the Context of the Development of Radionavigation in the 21st Century
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- Accuracy Analysis of Aircraft Position at Departure Phase Using DGPS Method
- Accuracy Assessment of Aircraft Positioning Using the Dual-Frequency GPS Code Observations in Aviation
- Aircraft positioning using DGNSS technique for GPS and GLONASS data
- Algorytm systemu eksploatacyjnego pojazdów wpływający na efektywność przewozową
- Analiza szeregów czasowych GPS stacji permanentnej w Dęblinie
- Analysis of the LQR Algorithm in the Field of Testing the Dynamics of Quadcopter Movement
- Assessment of the variability of many years of thunderstorm activity in the aspect of potential threats to aircraft at selected airports in Poland
- Assessment of velocity accuracy of aircraft in the dynamic tests using GNSS sensors
- Designating the error of vertical coordinate of aircraft position in the GPS system
- Determination of the Precise Coordinates of the GPS Reference Station in of a GBAS System in the Air Transpor
- Determining the Elements of Exterior Orientation in Aerial Triangulation Processing Using UAV Technology
- Examination of Multi-Receiver GPS/EGNOS Positioning with Kalman Filtering and Validation Based on CORS Stations
- The processing of GNSS observation by non-classical error theory of measurements
- Identification of Small Unmanned Flying Objects
- Influence of a bird model shape on the bird impact parameters
- Influence of the Ionospheric Delay on Designation of an Aircraft Position
- Instantaneous Ambiguity Reinitialization and Fast Ambiguity Initialization for L1-L2 GPS Measurements
- Method for monitoring of modern reference systems in their relationship with geodynamics
- Metody ograniczenia negatywnych skutków emisji spalin w rejonie portów lotniczych
- Możliwości zastosowania współczesnych systemów satelitarnych gnss w nawigacji lotniczej
- Mathematical description of the movement of charged particles in the Earth’s magnetic fields
- Methodology of Processing Single-Strip Blocks of Imagery with Reduction and Optimization Number of Ground Control Points in UAV Photogrammetry
- Methods of precise aircraft positioning in the GPS system with an application of the troposphere correction
- Methods of Predicting the Heading, Pitch and Roll Angles for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Modeling the Time Delay Problem of Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux in Solar Cycles 21 and 23
- Modelling of the system “driver - automation - autonomous vehicle - road”
- Monitoring Aircraft Position Using EGNOS Data for the SBAS APV Approach to the Landing Procedure
- Monitoring the Vector Error Between a Reference Station and a GNSS on-Board Receiver in the GBAS System in the Polish Air Transport
- Network Code DGNSS Positioning for Faster L1–L5 GPS Ambiguity Initialization
- New Strategy for Improving the Accuracy of Aircraft Positioning Based on GPS SPP Solution
- Numerical Simulations of Bird Strikes with the Use of Various Equations of State
- Numerical Testing of Switch Point Dynamics—A Curved Beam with a Variable Cross-Section
- Określenie jakości pozycjonowania Galileo w zastosowaniach lotniczych
- Organizacja ruchu lotniczego
- Porównanie precyzyjnego podejścia realizowanego systemami PAR I ILS
- Precise Method of Ambiguity Initialization for Short Baselines with L1-L5 or E5-E5a GPS/GALILEO Data
- Precise Point Positioning Technique Versus Relative Positioning
- Processing of a regional network of GNSS stations by the PPP method
- Projekt HUULC przyszłością lotniczego cargo
- Racjonalizacja obsługi transportowej w zakresie przewozów wagonowych
- Reliability Analysis of Technical Means of Transport
- Reliability determination of nanoelectronic devices using semi - marcov processes
- Research and Analysis of the Issue of Flight Stability of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Simulators as a Supporting Tool in the Training Process for New Specialized Personnel
- The Research Into the Integrity Parameter in Air Transport Using GLONASS Data
- Towards Galileo + GPS seismology: Validation of high-rate GNSS-based system for seismic events characterisation
- Wybrane aspekty zabezpieczenia nawigacji lotniczej. Tom 2
- Wybrane problemy dynamiki rozjazdu kolejowego przy dużych prędkościach współczesnych pociągów
- Wyznaczanie współrzędnych stacji laserowych z wyników obserwacji satelity LARES
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Assessment of the Steering Precision of a Hydrographic USV along Sounding Profiles Using a High-Precision GNSS RTK Receiver Supported Autopilot
- Testing the Accuracy of the Modified ICP Algorithm with Multimodal Weighting Factors
- Integrated Geodetic and Hydrographic Measurements of the Yacht Port for Nautical Charts and Dynamic Spatial Presentation
- Using Remote Sensing Data to Identify Large Bottom Objects : The Case of World War II Shipwreck of General von Steuben
- Improving the Quality of Magnetic Signature Reproduction by Increasing Flexibility of Multi-Dipole Model Structure and Enriching Measurement Information
- Study on the Coastline Evolution in Sopot (20082018) Based on Landsat Satellite Imagery
- The Accuracy of a Marine Satellite Compass under Terrestrial Urban Conditions
- The Ocean-Going Autonomous Ship-Challenges and Threats
- Drafting Route Plan Templates for Ships on the Basis of AIS Historical Data
- Bezpieczeństwo morskie a nawigacja
- Dryf lodu morskiego
- Analysing the impact on underwater noise of changes to theparameters of a ship's machinery
- Detection of floating objects based on hydroacoustic and hydrodynamic pressure measurements in the coastal zone
- Wyzwania stojące przed hydrografią na wodach arktycznych
- Geospatial Modeling of the Tombolo Phenomenon in Sopot using Integrated Geodetic and Hydrographic Measurement Methods
- Results from Developments in the Use of A Scanning Sonar to Support Diving Operations from A Rescue Ship
- The Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanned Surface Vessel Mapping the Southern Ionian Sea. The Winning Technology Solution of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE
- The Effectiveness of Using a Pretrained Deep Learning Neural Networks for Object Classification in Underwater Video
- The Use of USV to Develop Navigational and Bathymetric Charts of Yacht Ports on the Example of National Sailing Centre in Gdańsk
- Using Remote Sensing Techniques to Document and Identify the Largest Underwater Object of the Baltic Sea : Case Study of the Only German Aircraft Carrier, Graf Zeppelin
- Accessibility and Usability of Landsat 8 Data for the Purpose of Satellite-Drived Bathymetry of the South Baltic Near-Shore Waters on the Example of Gulf of Gdańsk
- Ice Drift in the Arctic Ocean
- Possibilities of Detection of the Jamming of the GNSS Receiver with the Helical Antenna
- The Effect on Constant Heel on Circulation of a Vessel Calculated on the Basis of Investigations of M/S Ziemia Zamojska Model
- Analysis of Satellite Compass Error's Spectrum
- Hydroacoustic System in a Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle to Avoid Collision with Vessels with Low-Speed Propellers in a Controlled Environment
- Seabed Topography Changes in the Sopot Pier Zone in 20102018 Influenced by Tombolo Phenomenon
- Using UAV Photogrammetry to Analyse Changes in the Coastal Zone Based on the Sopot Tombolo (Salient) Measurement Project
- Radar Observation of Wind Farms in Various Weather Conditions
- Strategie monitorowania zagrozeń systemu EGNOS
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- Air transport in tourist traffic service
- Aircraft positioning using GPS/GLONASS code observations
- Algorithm Controlling the Autonomous Flight of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on the Construction of a Glider
- Analiza dokładności odbiornika ASHTECH GG-24 dla sygnałów GPS I GLONASS z wykorzystaniem symulatora sygnałów GNSS SPIRENT 6300M
- Analiza wykorzystania systemu automatycznego zależnego dozorowania ADS-B
- Analysis of air passenger transport dynamics in selected European countries in the years 2004 - 2015
- Analysis of Impact of the Visibility of Satellites of GNSS Systems on the Process of Digital Signals Processing SIS in the GNSS Receiver
- Analysis of the functioning of the Lublin Airport
- Analysis of the tropospheric delay estimates in software package – GIPSYX based onmulti - GNSS observations
- Analysis, Mathematical Model and Simulation Tests of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Control System
- Application the Single Difference Technique in Aircraft Positioning Using the GLONASS System in the Air Transport
- Bezpieczeństwo w lotnictwie. Prawne i proceduralne aspekty badania wypadków lotniczych
- Charakterystyka porównawcza radarów AVIA I GCA2000
- Charakterystyka satelitarnego systemu nawigacyjnego Galileo
- Comparison the strategy realization of reference frame ETRF2000 in Ukraine and Poland
- Components of local ionosphere model over Ryki district area
- Control Model of a Small Micro-class UAV Object Taking Into Account the Impact of Strong Wind
- Control System of the Multi-rotor in Flight in the Presence of Strong Wind
- Designation of meteorological parameters using gps satellite technique in a flight experiment at the Dęblin military aerodrome
- Designation of the Troposphere Radio Refractivity for the Area of the Military Aerodrome in Dęblin
- Dokładność pozycjonowania statecznego z użyciem systemu nawigacyjnego Galileo
- Dynamics of the Designed Robotic Manipulator in the CAD Program
- Evaluation of Altimetry Data in the Baltic Sea Region for Computation of New Quasigeoid Models over Poland
- Examination of Multi-Pulse Rectifiers of PES Systems Used on Airplanes Compliant with the Concept of Electrified Aircraft
- Examination of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Experimental investigation of the delay time in galactic cosmic ray flux in different epochs of solar magnetic cycles: 1959 – 2014
- Integration the Meteorological Data for Monitoring the Troposphere Condition Over the Military Aerodrome in Dęblin
- Kinematic Studies in the Field of Accuracy and Position Determination of Aircrafts Using the PPP Technique by the GPS System
- Mathematical Model for Errors Estimation of Object’s Location Parameters Determination Using Flying Platform
- Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Selected Multi-pulse Rectifiers, Used in “Conventional” Airplanes and Aircrafts Consistent with the Trend of “MEA/AEA”
- MEMS Electromechanical Microsystem as a Support System for the Position Determining Process with the Use of the Inertial Navigation System INS and Kalman Filter
- Modeling and Control of the Engine Turbine for the Purpose of the Electricity Generation
- Modelowanie wpływu opóźnienia jonosferycznego troposferycznego w pomiarach radarowych
- Określenie parametru ZTD z użyciem empirycznych modeli opóźnienia troposferycznego w pomiarach satelitarnych GPS
- Określenie profilu pionowego refrakcji troposferycznej z użyciem empirycznych danych meteorologicznych
- Określenie zawartości pary wodnej IPWV z użyciem techniki SATELITARNEJ GPS w eksperymencie lotniczym
- Podział Ziemi Obiecanej
- Pozycjonowanie RTK oparte na wyrównaniu metodą parametryczną z warunkami geometrycznym
- Projekt opancerzonego naziemnego pojazdu bezzałogowego
- Reliability Test of a GNSS Onboard Receiver in the Kinematic Mode
- Research into the Integrity of Galileo Positioning at Dęblin Aerodrome
- Research of Accuracy of the Aircraft Position Using the GPS and EGNOS Systems in Air Transport
- Spectral Analysis of Gold-type Pseudo-random Codes in GNSS Systems
- Stability Evaluation of the Flight Trajectory of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in the Presence of Strong Wind
- Study of the Motion Dynamics of Camera Fastening Platform for the Object of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Study of the Resistance of GNSS Satellite Navigation Receiver to the Operation of a Narrowband Interfering Signal
- System bezzałogowych statków powietrznych w przestrzeni powietrznej
- The Application of the BSSD Iono-Free Linear Combination Method in the Processing of Aircraft Positioning
- The Basic Architecture of the System with the A-GNSS Receiver
- The development of mobile transport on the example of Gdansk Airport
- The Dynamics of Group Flights of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- The Dynamics of the Movement of Formations of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- The Impact of Troposphere Correction for Designation of the Ellipsoidal Height of Aircraft at Approach to Landing Procedure
- The Numerical Simulation of the Atmosphere Delays Impact on Radar Measurement in Aviation
- The Positioning of the Aircraft Using GPS/GLONASS
- The problem of reliability of the ETRS89 reference system realization at national local level
- The Study of Air Flows for an Electric Motor with a Nozzle for an Unmanned Flying Platform
- Transport lotniczy w obsłudze ruchu turystycznego
- Wykorzystanie systemu EGNOS w precyzyjnym pozycjonowaniu statku powietrznego w lotnictwie
- Wyznaczenie błędu zegara odbiornika GNSS w metodzie PPP z użyciem obserwacji GPS
- Wybrane aspekty wykorzystania GNSS w lotnictwie
- Wybrane aspekty zabezpieczenia nawigacji lotniczej
- Wybrane techniki pomiarowe w systemach transportowych
- Wyznaczanie współrzędnych stacji laserowej w Borowcu za okres 2015-2018
- Wyznaczenie precyzyjnej trajektorii lotu statku powietrznego w eksperymentach lotniczych w Polsce
- Zastosowanie systemu monitorowania ruchu statku powietrznego dla potrzeb kontroli planu lotu
- Zastosowanie techniki satelitarnej GNSS w technologii bezzałogowych statków powietrznych
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Determining the Variability of the Territorial Sea Baseline on the Example of Waterbody Adjacent to the Municipal Beach in Gdynia
- Methodology for Performing Territorial Sea Baseline Measurements in Selected Waterbodies of Poland
- Use of a Weighted ICP Algorithm to Precisely Determine USV Movement Parameters
- Application of AIS Data for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Ship Traffic Flows
- Stands for model testing of ship stability and buoyancyin the aspect of improving the safety of sea transport
- Analysis Of Radar Early Warning Systems For Oil Spills In The Offshore Sector
- Benefits of using ASV MBES surveys in shallow waters and restriced areas
- Constructing and editing virtual models of ships for navigational analyses
- Construction of virtual models of water areas for navigational analyses
- Determination of the position using receivers installed in UAV
- Algorithms for Cleaning the Data Recorded by Multibeam Echosounder
- Verification of the Digital Sea Bottom Model Built by Bathymetric Data : Deep Water Study
- Refraction Correction of the Acoustic Wave in Multibeam Systems
- Reliability of the Digital Sea Bottom Model Sourced by Multibeam Echosounder in Shallow Water
- A New Method for Determining the Territorial Sea Baseline Using an Unmanned, Hydrographic Surface Vessel
- Safety of Sea Vessels in the Aspect of Model Research ; Bezpieczeństwo jednostek pływających w aspekcie badań modelowych
- Multicriteria Analysis Method for Evaluation of Vessel Simulation Models in Open Waters
- Optimisation of the Position of Navigational Aids for the Purposes of SLAM technology for Accuracy of Vessel Positioning
- A Novel Approach of Using Selected Unconventional Geodesic Methods of Estimation on VTS Areas
- Zlodzenie Morza Bałtyckiego w latach 2000-2018
- GEBCO-NF Alumni Team Technology Solution for Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE Final Round
- A Method of Fast and Simultaneous Calibration of Many Mobile FMCW Radars Operating in a Network Anti-Drone System
- Critical Areas of the Autonomous Seagoing Vessel Concept Model - According to Selected Criteria
- ERRV as an Emergency Protection Components in the Offshore Sector Activities
- Phenomen of icing and a review of ice accretion nomograms, models and charts in navigation
- Assessment of the Accuracy of Determining the Angular Position of the Unmanned Bathymetric Surveying Vehicle Based on the Sea Horizon Image
- The compass error comparison of an onboard standard gyrocompass, fiber-optic gyrocompass (FOG) and satellite compass
- Let Us Prepare the Officer of the Watch on Jamming and Spoofing
- Changing stability of the ship while flooding compartments in the aspect of the maritime transport safety
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- Accuracy Analysis on the Basis of Spirent 6300M Signal Generator and Novatel Flexpak6 GNSS Receeiver
- Accuracy Assessment of Aircraft Positioning by Using the DGLONASS Method in the GBAS System
- Aircraft position determination in SBAS system in air transport
- Aircraft positioning using PPP method in GLONASS system
- Aircraft positioning using SPP method in GPS system
- Aircraft Velocity Determination Using GLONASS Data
- Analizy przestrzenne lokalizacji Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego RP "Solidarność"
- Analysis, Mathematical Model and Selected Simulation Research of the GNSS Navigation Receiver Correlator
- Application of the DGPS method for the precise positioning of an aircraft in air transport
- Architektura pokładowego autonomicznego systemu zasilania zgodnie z koncepcją samolotu bardziej elektrycznego
- Assessment of the possibility of using an unmanned aircraft class mini to illuminate targets by laser
- Badanie wybranych prostowników wieloimpulsowych, implementowanych we współczesnych samolotach kompatybilnych z koncepcją samolotu bardziej elektrycznego
- Challenges for Air Transport Providers in Czech Republic and Poland
- Designation of integrated precipitable water vapour for local rural region using GPS satellite technique
- Determination of reliability parameters of HPL and VPL technical safety in the procedure of a non-precision landing approach NPA GNSS with using GPS and GLONASS navigation systems in air transport
- Determination of the aircraft position in PPP method in an in-flight test – case study
- Doppler Delay in Navigation Signals Received by GNSS Receivers
- Estimation of Slant Tropospheric Delays from GNSS Observations with Using Precise Point Positioning Method
- Estimation Process Analysis of Identification Effectiveness of Small Turbojet Engine with Intelligent Control
- Evaluation spirent 6300M and novatel flexpak6 data and navigational formats compatibility
- Evaluation of the VSC-HVDC system performance in accordance with the more electric aircraft concept
- Floodplain lakes mapping using very high resolution RGB and superspectral VNIR images - qualitative methodological approaches
- Geocentric Changes of the Mean Sea Level of the Baltic Sea from Altimeter and Tide Gauge Data
- Implementacja funkcjonalnych bloków przestrzeni powietrznej szansą na pogłębienie współpracy między państwami i zwiększenie przepustowości przestrzeni powietrznej na przykładzie BALTIC FAB
- Implementation the GLONASS system in aeronautical application
- Interplay between correlations and Majorana mode in proximitized quantum dot
- Mathematical and simulation modeling of normal force for a rail vehicle
- Mathematical Modeling and Simulation Studies of Selected Components of the Electricity Generation, Processing and Distribution System of Aircrafts According to the Concept of More Electric Aircraft
- Methods for determination of air temperature with use the of meteorological data from station Dęblin-Irena
- Metoda optymalizacji procesu eksploatacji w ujęciu bezawaryjności pojazdu
- Metody uspokojenia ruchu w ocenie jego użytkowników
- Model of a Computer System for Selection of Operating Parametrs for Transport Vehicles in the Aspect of Their Durability
- Onboard Aircraft Power Source According to the Concept of an Electrified Aircraft
- Power Distribution Management System of the On-Board Electric Energy of an Aircraft Compatible with the MEA/AEA Concept
- Removing the Influence of Network Effect on Local Position Solution
- Rola Internetu w kształtowaniu obsługi pasażerów linii lotniczych
- Studies of 4-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle UAV in the field of control system
- Study of Multi-Pulse Rectifiers of the PES System in Accordance with the Concept of a More Electric Aircraft
- Study of the 36-Pulse Rectifier in the Aspect of Using it in the On-Board Energo-Electronic Power System of Aircraft in Line with the Concept of More Electric Aircraft
- Study of the Transformer Rectifier Unit Compatible with the Concept of a More Electric Aircraft
- Technological Solutions of Selected Components of Energo-electronic Power Supply System PES in the Field of AC / DC / DC Processing in Accordance with a Trend of More Electric Aircraft
- Test niezawodności zastosowania metody PPP w pozycjonowaniu statku powietrznego w nawigacji lotniczej
- The assessment of aircraft positioning accuracy using gps data in RTK-OTF technique
- The effectiveness of on-board aircraft power sources in line with the trend of a more electric aircraft
- The Study of Permanent Magnets Synchronous Machine (PMSM) of the Autonomous Electric Power Supply System (ASE), compatible with the Concept of a More Electric Aircraft (MEA)
- The Use of a Modified Phase Manipulation Signal to Interfere GNSS Receivers
- The vertical profile of troposphere parameters above the airport in Dęblin
- The Vision System for Diagnostics of Railway Turnout Elements
- Utilization of the PPP Method for Precise Positioning of the Aircraft in Air Navigation
- Utilization PPP method in aircraft positioning in post-processing mode
- Warianty rozwiązań technologicznych wybranych komponentów autonomicznego systemu zasilania w zakresie przetwarzania pokładowej energii elektrycznej AC/DC samolotu bardziej elektrycznego.
- Wpływ precyzyjnych produktów IGS w pozycjonowaniu statku powietrznego w nawigacji lotniczej
- Wykorzystanie logiki rozmytej w sterowaniu ogniwem PELTIERA
- Wykorzystanie programu gLAB w precyzyjnym pozycjonowaniu statku powietrznego w transporcie lotniczym - testy lotnicze w Dęblinie i Mielcu
- Zastosowanie teorii odnowy w racjonalizacji okresu eksploatacji środków transportu
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Detection of Small Bottom Objects From Multibeam Echosounder Data
- The electromagnetic field in the vicinity of radio-navigation systems
- The Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE competition impact on the development of ocean mapping possibilities
- The invention and developing of multibeam echosounder technology ; Powstanie i rozwój technologii echosondy wielowiązkowej ; Sozdanie i razvitie tehnologii mnogolučevogo èholota
- The impact of radar distance measurement accuracy on the accuracy of position fixing in VTS systems
- Badania modelowe jednostek pływających jako element bezpieczeństwa transportu morskiego ; Model studies of ships as an element of maritime transport
- Problematyka wyboru napędu śródlądowych jednostek pływających w aspekcie efektywności, bezpieczeństwa i ekologii ; Problematics of the selection of propulsion of inland waterway vessels in the aspect of efficiency, safety and ecology
- Report on research with biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle - low level control ; Raport z badań nad biomimetycznym autonomicznym pojazdem podwodnym - sterowanie niskopoziomowe
- Report on research with biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle - navigation and autonomous operation ; Raport z badań nad biomimetycznym autonomicznym pojazdem podwodnym - nawigacja i autonomiczny system sterowania
- Availability of the GNSS Geodetic Networks Position during the hydrographic surveys in the ports
- The Assessment of Drafting Ship Movement Parameters Using Radar and the Automatic Identification System
- A bow echo and severe weather observed over Poland on 11th and 12th August 2017
- Investigation of the underwater noise associated with remotely-operated vehicles
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- Advanced Technological Solutions of Key Components of Variable Frequency of Power Supply System ASE of Modern Aircraft in Accordance with the Concept of a More Electric Aircraft MEA
- Analiza i symulacja działania modelu elektroenergetycznego systemu zasilania samolotu F-16 zgodnie z koncepcją samolotu bardziej elektrycznego More Electric Aircraft (MEA)
- Analiza i symulacja zastosowania siłowników elektromechanicznych (EMA) w systemie sterowania samolotu F-16 zgodnie z koncepcją samolotu bardziej elektrycznego More Electric Aircraft (MEA)
- Analysis, Mathematical Model and Simulation of Selected Components of Advanced Technological Solutions of HVDC Architecture of Modern Aircraft Compatible with the Concept of MEA / AEA
- Analysis of the Accuracy of the Position of the Dual - Mode Satellite Receiver Ashtech GG24 Using the Simulator Spirent 6300M
- Application of GPS sensor for recovery of precise position of aircraft in air transport
- Application of IGS products for air navigation
- Application of precision IGS service products for aircraft position determination in air transport
- Application of the GLONASS code observations for the designation of coordinates of an aircraft in flight test mode: a case study
- Application of the GPS/EGNOS solution for the precise positioning of an aircraft vehicle
- Application the GPS Code Observations in BSSD Method for Recovery the Position of the Aircraft
- Application the PPP method in aircraft positioning in air navigation
- Bancroft Algorithm Comparison to the Reference Point Indicator Method
- Comparative Characteristics, Analysis, Mathematical Model and Simulation of Selected Energy-Electronic Converters of Modern Aircraft in Line with the Concept of a More Electric Aircraft MEA/ AEA
- Decoding of GPS Data for Single Point postioning Computation by Using Pthon Programming Language
- Designation the Velocity of Cessna 172 Aircraft Based on GPS Data in Flight Test
- Determination of a Trajectory of a Moving Car Vehicle Based on the GNSS Satellite Technology
- Dwusekcyjny model rozwoju strategicznego przedsiębiorstwa transportowego
- Dynamika stabilizatora kamery w bezzałogowym statku powietrznym
- Estimation differential code biases (DCB) P1-C1 using GLONASS data in flight experiment on the Dęblin aerodrome (01.06.2010)
- Implementacja techniki satelitarnej GNSS w transporcie lotniczym – przykładowe rozwiązanie i wyniki
- Mathematical Model and Simulation of Selected Components of the EPS of the Aircraft, Providing the Operation of On- Board Electrical Equipment and Systems in Accordance with MEA/AEA Concept
- Mathematical modeling and simulation of selected components on-board autonomous power supply system (ASE), in accordance with the concept of a more electric aircraft (MEA)
- Model and Simulation of Permanent Magnets Synchronous Machine (PMSM) of the Electric Power Supply System (EPS), in Accordance with the Concept of a More Electric Aircraft (MEA)
- Model matematyczny zjawisk zachodzących w ogniwie peltiera
- Modele decyzji strategicznych podmiotów procesu przewozwego w warunkach konkurencji
- Modelowanie matematyczne i analiza dynamiczna zjawisk zachodzących na rozjazdach kolejowych
- Modern Technological Solutions in Generation, Transmission and Tistribution of Electricity in "Conventional" vs. "More Electric" Aircrafts
- Możliwości wykorzystania samochodowych czarnych skrzynek w analizie zdarzeń drogowych
- Nowa odsłona stacji laserowej Borowiec
- Określenie korekcji jonosferycznych EGNOS w eksperymencie lotniczym Dęblin (01.06.2010)
- Określenie opóźnienia troposferycznego z użyciem sensora GPS w transporcie lotniczym
- Określenie poprawki chodu zegara odbiornika w eksperymencie lotniczym z zastosowaniem sensora GPS
- Planowanie przewozów z uwzględnieniem kilku gałęzi transportu
- Pomiar dokładności obiektu BSP wyposażonego w odbiornik GNSS w warunkach statycznych i kinematycznych
- Results of aircraft positioning tests in post-processing using the GNSS
- Sieć neuronowa w optymalizacji zjawisk fizycznych zachodzących w trakcie przejazdu pojazdu szynowego przez tor
- Szkolenie personelu SIL w kontekście wyposażenia Sił Powietrznych w nowe typy statków powietrznych
- The integrated use of GPS/GLONASS observations in network code differential positioning
- The Study of Selected Multi-Pulse Rectifiers, used in 'Conventional' Airplanes and Aircrafts Compatible with the Concept of a 'More/All Electric Aircraft' (MEA/AEA)
- The Study of the Autonomous Power Supply System of the More/All Electric Aircraft in AC/DC and DC/DC Processing
- Updating of the Navigation Charts with Remote Sansing Techniques
- Verification of the precisie position of the aircraft in air navigation based on the solution of the RTK-OTF technique
- Współczesne rozwiązania technologiczne, analiza i symulacja wybranych komponentów architektury HVDC samolotów zgodnych z koncepcją MEA/ AEA
- Wykorzystanie metody PPP do określenia współrzędnych stacji referencyjnej z wykorzystaniem obserwacji GPS
- Zagrożenia drogowe spowodowane ruchem ciągników rolniczych i pojazdów wolnobieżnych
- Zastosowanie metody PPP do określenia współrzędnych stacji referencyjnych na potrzeby systemu wspomagania GBAS w transporcie lotniczym
- Zastosowanie obserwacji GPS/GLONASS do określenia pozycji statku powietrznego w transporcie lotniczym
Akademia Marynarki Wojskowej
- ABPP motion simulator based on 3D ENC
- Current state of deep ocean bathymetric exploration
- Detection of weak echoes from the radar video signal ; Wykrywanie słabych ech z radarowego sygnału wizyjnego
- Dokładność zliczania drogi z pomiarów kursu i prędkości wykonywanych urządzeniem NavQuest 600 ; Accuracy of positioning the dead reckoning method based on course and speed measurements performed by the "NAVQUEST 600"
- Dokładność zliczania drogi za pomocą urządzenia Advanced Navigation - Spatial Fog oraz logu NavQuest 600 ; Accuracy of positioning the dead reckoning method using "ADVANCED NAVIGATION - SPATIAL FOG" devices and "NAVQUEST 600" log
- Log Navquest 600 oraz żyrokompas KVH 1750 jako system nawigacyjny do wyznaczania współrzędnych pozycji ; Log "NavQuest 600" and gyrocompass "KVH 1750" as a navigation system for determining position coordinates
- Multidimensional radar display ; Wielowymiarowy obraz radarowy
- Porównanie parametrów ruchu statków na podstawie obserwacji ARPA i AIS ; Ship movement parameters compare based on ARPA and AIS observation
- Projekt regulatora kursu autonomicznej jednostki pływającej ; Project of PID ship heading controller
- The modern offshor oil detection and monitoring systems ; Nowoczesne systemy wykrywania i monitorowania rozlewów olejowych w w strefie offshor
- Wielokryterialny wektor efektywności napędu statku morskiego floty wsparcia Marynarki Wojennej ; Multicriterial vector of efficiency of propulsion marine fleet of naval support
- Wykrywanie i lokalizowanie obiektów podwodnych sonarem bocznym jako element bezpieczeństwa żeglugi ; Detection and localization of underwater objects with side scan sonar as a safety of navigation element
- Acoustic analysis of remote-controlled surface and underwater vehicles
- Passive hydroacoustic method of detection and tracking object moving on the sea surface and floating in the depth
- Influence of flooding compartments on the stability safety of the training warship ; Wpływ zatopienia pomieszczeń na bezpieczeństwo statecznościowe okrętu szkolnego
- Improvement in accuracy of determining a vessel's position with the use of neural networks ana robust M-estimation
- Analysis of hydrometeorological conditions in the South Baltic Sea during the stormy weather on 27th November, 2016 ; Analiza warunków hydrometeorologicznych na Bałtyku Południowym podczas warunków sztormowych 27 listopada 2016 roku
- Analysis of ice conditions in the Baltic Sea and in the Puck Bay ; Analiza warunków zlodzenia Morza Bałtyckiego i Zatoki Puckiej
- Application of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to photogrammetric developments ; Zastosowanie BSP do opracowań fotogrametrycznych
- Automatic Identification System (AIS) dynamic data estimation based on discrete Kalman Filter (KF) algorithm ; Estymacja danych dynamicznych automatycznego systemu identyfikacji (AIS) w oparciu o algorytm dyskretnego filtru Kalmana
- Safety of navigation in the Arctic ; Bezpieczeństwo nawigacji w Arktyce
- Two-dimensional coordinate estimation for missing automatic identification system (AIS) signals based on the discrete Kalman filter algorithm and universal transverse mercator (UTM) projection