Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- A Comparative Study of Different Collision Avoidance Systems With Local Path Planning for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- A-Star (A*) with Map Processing for the Global Path Planning of Autonomous Underwater and Surface Vehicles Operating in Large Areas
- Accelerations Caused by Underwater Explosions on the Naval Gun Foundation
- Accuracy of marine gravimetric measurements in terms of geodetic coordinates of land reference benchmark
- Aerodynamic Analysis of Variable Camber-Morphing Airfoils with Substantial Camber Deflections, Energies
- Analysis of simulated dynamic loads of a ship propulsion system of a non-conventional power system
- Analysis of the Possibility of Increasing the Thermal Resistance of Epoxy Resin with Cwnt and Mmt
- Assessment of the Symmetry and Deformation of a Submarine Hull Using the PCSE Method
- Automatic Classification of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Based on Deep Learning Neural Networks (DLNNS)
- Effect of infill style and density on selected mechanical properties of the carbon fibre reinforced ABS MFD filament
- Enhancing of Surface Quality of FDM Moulded Materials through Hybrid Techniques
- Evaluation of the impact of the thermal state of a diesel engine on its efficiency
- Experimental Validation of an FEM Model Based onLifting Theory Applied to Propeller Design Software
- Exploring the Potential Application of an Innovative Post-Weld Finishing Method in Butt-Welded Joints of Stainless Steels and Aluminum Alloys
- Influence of Butanol-Diesel Oil Fuel Blends on Marine Engine Vibration Characteristics
- Shock impact simulation model along with the harmonic effect of the working device
- Simulation Tests of aDrive Shaft and Propeller Control Subsystem for aFast Boat
- Testing and Modeling of Shaft Vibrations Due to Misalignment
- Time Constant as the Main Component to Optimize the Resistance Temperature Sensors’ Calibration Process
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- Chosen problems of exploitation of technical objects
Statistical Analysis of Aviation Incidents Caused by Crew Communication Problems
The Influence of Metal Reinforcement upon the Ablative Properties of Multi-Layered Composites - Temperature Rise of an Adhesive Particle-Reinforced Polymer during Fatigue Testing
- An assessment of the reliability of CFRP composites used in nodes of friction after impact of UV-A impacts and thermal shocks
- Aerodynamic Load Measurements on the Example of Diamond DA42 Model Aircraft
- Optimalised physical model of inertial navigation system as education simulator
- Investigating spurious activations in aircraft fire safety systems with circuit-maker numerical equivalents
- Predictive modeling of flight delays using decission tree
- Analysis of the effect of impact at elevated temperatures on the residual flexural strenght of crfp (sandwich composite with carbon fibre reiforcement)
- Modelling and identifying a pressurised dilatant sand to be used as a smart damping material
- Thermophysical properties of pressure-sensitive paint
- Investigation of Carbon Nanotube Particles Addition Effect on the Dispersed Composite Structure Thermal Diffusivity
- The Possibility of Using the Finite Element Method for Determining Thermal Diffusivity on the Example of Nickel Using the Classic and The Modified Pulse Method
- Numerical calculations of water drop using a firefighting aircraft
- The influence of adhesive material properties on the impact strength of adhesive block connections
- Performance Measurements System of Propellers for Electric Propulsion
- The Influence of Conditioning on Dynamic Behaviour of Polymer Composites
- Certified military uniformed classes as a social element of building the defence and protection subsystem of the national security of the Republic of Poland
- Enhancing Power Generation Efficiency of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems: A Performance Analysis
- Implementation of the Mean Time to Failure Indicator in the Control of the Logistical Support of the Operation Process
- Risk Management in Aviation Infrastructure: A Statistical Analysis of Selected European Countries
- Identification and neutralisation of unmanned aircraft
- Effect of Hydrothermal Factors on the Microhardness of Bulk-Fill and Nanohybrid Composites
- Deformation measurement system for UAV components to improve their safe operation
- Autogyro Main Rotor Blade Strength Tests
- The influence of manufacturing technology on the mechanical properties of the layered composite
- Analysis of aviation incindents occurring on the SW-4 helicopter in the years 2010-2020
- Analysis of selected problems of the operation of means of air transport
- Driving Sustainable Disaster Risk Reduction: A Rapid Review of the Policies and Strategies in Saudi Arabia
- Stability test of Hyperloop vehicle in different movement conditions
- A bird strike against a helicopter windshield in the aspect of experimental and numerical investigations
- Minimizing the risk of accidents in-ground airport operations carried out by aircraft
- Application of unmanned aerial systems in the air force
- Innovative directions in air transport: analysis of new energy sources
- Development of aviation infrastructure in selected European countries: statistical analysis and implications
- Quench dynamics of Fano-like resonances in the presence of the on-dot superconducting pairing
- The Seasonal Variations Analysis of Permanent GNSS Station Time Series in the Central-East of Europe
- The Influence of Pressure in the Infusion Method Upon Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites
- Analysis of the precision of determination of aircraft coordinates using EGNOS+SDCM solution
- Wpływ innowacyjnych technologii na bezpieczeństwo portów lotniczych
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Evaluation of the impact of the thermal state of a diesel engine on its efficiency
- Evaluation of the impact of supplying a marine diesel engine with a mixture of diesel oil and n-butanol on its efficiency and emission of toxic compounds
- Increasing the operational reliability of a ship by using a composite impeller in the event of hydrophore pump failure
- Estimating the Size of a Crater after an Underwater Explosion
- Monitoring the Technical Condition of the Marine Turbine Engines by Analysis of Rundown Resonance Parameters
- Modeling of pollutant emissions from the turbine engine of the main propulsion of a vessel in operating conditions
- Ship Diesel Engine Fault Diagnosis Using Data Science and Machine Learning
- Influence of Added Water Mass on Ship Structures Vibration Parameters in Virtual and Real Conditions
- Environmental impact of the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines
- Analysis of Changes in the Opening Pressure of Marine Engine Injectors Based on Vibration Parameters Recorded at a Constant Torque Load
- Analysis of Surface Texture and Roughness in Composites Stiffening Ribs Formed by SPIF Process
- Kinematic and Dynamics Modeling of Nonholonomic Mobile Robot
- Analysis of the Possibilities of Applying 3D Print Methods for the Needs of Ship-Building Industry
- Ship Diesel Engine Fault Diagnosis Using Data Science and SVM Classifier
- Desing optimization of the rescue device for the Argo profilinf float – SWOT/TOWS analisis of desing variants
- Testing of Technical Fabrics under Fast Camera Control
- Multi-symptom measurement based fault detection of the PEM fuel cell system
- Selected Aspects of 3D Printing for Emergency Replacement of Structural Elements
- Modelowanie oddziaływania wybuchu podwodnego na kadłub okrętu w ujęciu metody elementów skończonych
- Dual Quaternions For The Kinematic Description Of A Fish–Like Propulsion System
- Model systemu detekcji przeszkód i mapowania środowiska dla autonomicznych pojazdów podwodnych
- Automation, Operation and Maintenance of Control and Communication Systems
- Application of Multi-Criteria Optimization Methods in the Calibration Process of Digital Measuring Instruments
- Comparison of the noise produced by the polymer and bronze P1566 propellers in the cavitation tunnel
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- Performance Analysis of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting System
- Deformation measurement system for the fuselage of an unmanned aircraft vehicle
- Measurements of Aerodynamic Performance of the Fuselage of a Hybrid Multi-Rotor Aircraft with Autorotation Capability
- Temperature Measurement of the Selected UAV Electronic Components
- Impact Strength Of Hybrid Joints
- The Influence Of The Manufacturing Method On The Mechanical Properties Of The Honeycomb Core Sandwich Composite
- The Influence of Low-Energy Impact Loads on the Properties of the Sandwich Composite with a Foam Core
- Prediction of Selected Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites with Alumina Modifiers
- Selected Construction Properties of Hybrid Epoxy Composites Reinforced with Carbon Fiber and Alumina
- Effect of biomass-biochar content on the erosion wear performance of biochar epoxy composites
- Influence Of The Shape Of The Impactor On Residual Strength, Size And Nature Of Damage To Cfrp
- Simulation of operating loads of ablative composite shields used in flight data recorders
- Effect of Surface Topology on the Apparent Thermal Diffusivity of Thin Samples at LFA Measurements
- Research into mechanical properties of an ablative composite on a polymer matrix base with aerogel particles
- Thermal Diffusivity Characteristics of the IN718 Alloy Tested with the Modified Pulse Method
- The Potential Impact of Laser Pointers on Aviation Safety
- A Method for the Interpretation of Sonar Data Recorded during Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Missions
- Effect of the quartz powder on the performance of the two layers glass fiber reinforced polymer composite with emulsion binder
- Electrical Disturbances in Terms of Methods to Reduce False Activation of Aerial Fire Protection Systems
- Service Life Prediction for Rotating Electrical Machines on Aircraft in Terms of Temperature Loads
- Mechanika lotu : manewry samolotów
- Operation process of training aircraft Diamond DA 20-C1
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Analysis of the Possibility of Using Vibration Parameters for Diagnostics of Selected Defects in Welded Joints of the Hull Plating Elements
- Anti-Shock Foundation of Naval Engines for Naval Vessels
- Blade Deformation of a Pressure-Loaded Polyamide Marine Propeller
- Design and Operational Diagnostics of Marine Propellers Made of Polymer Materials
- Determining the Trajectory of the Crane Block Using the Finite Element Method
- Dynamic Processes Modeling in a Peristaltic Pump with a Hydraulic Drive for the Bingham Fluid
- Environmental characteristics of marine diesel engine fueled by butanol
- Evaluation methods for students on learning by simulating environment based on marine power plant simulator
- Klasyfikacja okrętów podwodnych
- Model tests of a marine diesel engine powered by a fuel-alcohol mixture
- Real-Time 3D Mapping in Isolated Industrial Terrain with Use of Mobile Robotic Vehicle
- Repair of Closed Fermentation Chamber and its Influence on Strength Properties of the Tank – Case Study
- Selection of methods used in industry mentoring for students of mechanics with the use of fuzzy logic
- Skutki podwodnych detonacji
- Stability Testing Method for Underwater ROVs
- Static and Dynamic Properties of Al-Mg Alloys Subjected to Hydrostatic Extrusion
- The Analysis of the Strength of the Ship’s Hull After Running Aground
- The Effect of Shot Peening on Residual Stress and Surface Roughness of AMS 5504 Stainless Steel Joints Welded Using the TIG Method
- The Fatigue Wear Process of Rubber-Metal Shock Absorbers
- The Process of Acquiring, Collecting, Processing and Archiving Data for the SHM System Designed to Identify Defects in Thin-Walled Structures
- The Use of Aluminium Alloy after High Plastic Deformation for Joining Riveted Structures
- Three-Dimensional Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling and Experimental Analysis of the Ballistic Performance of Steel-Based FML Targets
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- An experimental study on granular dissipation for the vibration attenuation of skis
- Analysis of methods and control systems of unmanned platforms
- Analysis of the impact of trailing-edge wing flaps on the aerodynamic characteristics and performance of the Diamond DA-20 aircraft
- Analysis of the Reliability of Training Helicopters
- Car braking effectiveness after adaptation for drivers with motor dysfunctions
- Ceramic-Based Piezoelectric Material for Energy Harvesting Using Hybrid Excitation
- CFD investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of the autogyro with a double tail stabilizer
- CFD investigation of the main rotor for an unmanned helicopter
- Determining aircraft aerodynamic characteristics of regular and non-linear airframes and evaluating the efficiency of the applied methods
- Dynamic Behavior of Aviation Polymer Composites at Various Weight Fractions of Physical Modifier
- Experimental study of propellers for the electric propulsion system
- Functional availability studies of military vehicles in terms of operation intensity
- Fuzzy Logic in Aircraft Onboard Systems Reliability Evaluation—A New Approach
- Lifetime prediction of bearings in on-board starter generator
- Mechanical Properties of Bio-Composites Based on Epoxy Resin and Nanocellulose Fibres
- Mechanika Lotu - osiągi samolotów
- Modelling of the unmanned aerial vehicles flight control system
- Modified pendulum hammer in impact tests of adhesive, riveted and hybrid lap joints
- Monitoring System for Railway Infrastructure Elements Based on Thermal Imaging Analysis
- Numerical analysis of the airflow around the Gyro-One autogyro
- Numerical analysis of the support platform for an unmanned aerial vehicle
- Numerical calculations of the autorotating rotor under transient conditions
- Obtaining the 3D geometry of the blade in a training aircraft
- Properties of multi-layered polymer composites with Vectran fiber reinforcement
- Reliability assessment of aircraft commutators
- Reliability tests in the operation of military vehicles
- Research into mechanical properties of an ablative composite on a polymer matrix base with aerogel particles
- Statistical analysis of passenger transport in European countries with large gross domestic product
- Strength analysis of the rotor hub of an unmanned helicopter
- The Effect of Adhesive Layer Thickness on Joint Static Strength
- The effect of the application of a powder additive of a phase change material on the ablative properties of a hybrid composite
- Thermophysical Properties of Temperature-Sensitive Paint
- Wear Resistance of the Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite with the Addition of Quartz Filler
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Submarine resistance force characteristics determination after modification of depth rudder system
- Model tests of a marine diesel engine powered by a fuel-alcohol mixture
- The emission of harmful compounds from the marine diesel engine fueled by a blend of n-butanol and marine fuel
- A Review of Underwater Mine Detection and Classification in Sonar Imagery
- Influence of Hydrostatic Extrusion on the Mechanical Properties of the Model Al-Mg Alloys
- Analysis of the possibility of a submarine implosion using finite element method
- Strength analysis of warship hull's bottom loaded by the pressure wave from a non-contact explosion of sea mine explosion of sea mine
- Analysis of the sensitivity of the identification method of inability states of rotating systems to the conditions of the experiment
- Material Properties of HY 80 Steel after 55 Years of Operation for FEM Applications
- Shock Absorbers Damping Characteristics by Lightweight Drop Hammer Test for Naval Machines
- Application of B Splines to Identification of the Movement Equations of the Floating Objects
- A more reasonable model for submarines rescues seat strength analysis
- The Stand For Fin Drives Energy Testing
- Stereo Vision System for Vision-Based Control of Inspection-Class ROVs
- Application of Laser Vibrometry to Assess Defects in Ship Hulls Welded Joints Technical Condition
- Classification and modelling of sound emission signals in selected tribosystems
- Effect of humidity on tribological properties of selected friction junctions with an evaluation of acoustic emission
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- Advantages of using composite alloys for inter-nal combustion engine pistons
- Aerodynamic Characteristics of the X-Tail Stabilizer in a Hybrid Unmanned Aircraft
- Analysis of a New Shape of Test Specimen for Block Shear Impact Test
- Analysis of Energy Storage Capabilities in Hydrated Sodium Acetate Using the Phase Transitions of the First Kind
- Analysis of Lifetime Prediction of the on Board Starter Current
- Anomalous Fano Resonance in Double Quantum Dot System Coupled to Superconductor
- Dependability for the military vehicles in the safety aspects
- Design and investigation of a partial admission radial 2.5‐kW organic Rankine cycle micro‐turbine
- Effect of MWCNTs on Wear Behavior of Epoxy Resin for Aircraft Applications
- Effectiveness analysis OF UCAV used in modern military conflicts
- Esa gnss on-going scientific activities
- Influence of the Arrangement of Mechanical Fasteners on the Static Strength and Fatigue Life of Hybrid Joints
- Influence of the Selected Physical Modifier on the Dynamical Behavior of the Polymer Composites Used in the Aviation Industry
- Investigation of Phase Transformation of Fe65Ni35 Alloy by the Modified Pulse Method
- Investigation of the Aerodynamic Drag Force Exerted on a Powerboat
- The cone of acceptance and magnetic rigidity cutoff of galactic cosmic ray particles for different models of the International geomagnetic reference field from 1965-2015 in the Deblin airport, Poland
- Leakage of Majorana mode into correlated quantum dot nearby its singlet-doublet crossover
- Measurement of Air Flow Velocity around the Unmanned Rotorcraft
- Measurement of the Flow Field Generated by Multicopter Propellers
- Measurements of Aerodynamic Interference of a Hybrid Aircraft with Multirotor Propulsion
- Powłoki poliuretanowe w środkach transportu
- Possibilities of using the type bypass air bleed in a single-flow jet engine
- Przyczyny i skutki występowania przykładowych zwierząt w rejonie lotnisk w różnych porach roku w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa nawigacji
- Reliability determination of nanoelectronic devices using semi-marcov processes
- Research into the Effect of Grain and the Content of Alundum on Tribological Properties and Selected Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites
- Research into the thermal diffusivity of Inconel 600 alloy by means of the modified flash method
- Safety of aviation fuel transport and distribution under field conditions
- Selected Tribological Properties and Vibrations in the Base Resonance Zone of the Polymer Composite Used in the Aviation Industry
- The advantages of using a bleed of air from behind the compressor and supplying it behind the turbine in an aircraft engine
- The Concept of an it System Supporting the Processes of Operating Technical Facilities in the Military
- The effect of the heat treatment on the crosslinking of epoxy resin for aviation applications
- The Impact of Selected Atmospheric Conditions on the Process of Abrasive Wear of CFRP
- The Influence of Selected Test Conditions on the Impact Strength of Adhesively Bonded Connections
- The Probabilistic Method for Predicting the Reliability of Aircraft's Commutator Devices
- The quantification method of functional availability military vehicles
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Method for Assessing the Dynamics and Efficiency of Diving Fins
- Vision-Based Modelling and Control of Small Underwater Vehicles
- A Method of Selecting the Number of Coordinates of a Vector Criterion in a Polyoptimal Decision-Making Process
- Pressure Wave Caused by Trinitrotoluene (TNT) Underwater Explosion : Short Review
- The Single Degree of Freedom Simulation Model of Underwater Explosion Impact
- Evaluation of adequacy of a model of a marine diesel engine based upon empirical research
- Generalizations of Poisson Process in the Modeling of Random Processes Related to Road Accidents
- Simulation of Fuzzy Control of Oxygen Flow in PEM Fuel Cells
- Motion Control of Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in Presence of Parameters Uncertainties
- Small Caliber Bulletproof Test of Warships Hulls
- The Rapeseed Oil Based Organofunctional Silane for Stainless Steel Protective Coatings
- An Automated System for Analysing Swim-Fins Efficiency
- Detection of Changes in the Opening Pressure of Marine Engine Injectors Using Vibration Methods
- Vibration Diagnostics of Marine Diesel Engines Malfunctions Connected with Injection Pumps Supported by Modelling
- Selected Risks of the Decompression Process, Part II: Analysis of Selected Types of Risk
- Selected Risks of the Decompression Process. Part I: Selected Inherent Residual Risks in the Decompression Process
- Ultrasonic Detection of the Intravascular Free Gas Phase in Research on Diving
- A Non-invasive Method of Marine Engines Fuel System Diagnostics
- Narcosub i możliwości jego wykorzystania
- Okręt podwodny i jego stery
- Analysis of the Use of Undervolting to Reduce Electricity Consumption and Environmental Impact of Computers
- Automated Calibration System for Digital Multimeters Not Equipped with a Communication Interface
- Marine Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions Measured in Ships Dynamic Operating Conditions
- Shoreline Detection and Land Segmentation for Autonomous Surface Vehicle Navigation with the Use of an Optical System
- Analiza właściwości połączeń zakładkowych blach ze stopu aluminium 7075-T6 Alclad zgrzewanych metodą RFSSW w warunkach obciążeń statycznych oraz dynamicznych ; Analysis of the properties of rfssw lap joints of alclad 7075-t6 aluminum alloy sheets under st
- Experimental and numerical investigation of impact resistance of riveted and rfssw stringer-stiffened panels in blunt impact tests
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- A comparative analysis of methods used for the determination of aircraft aerodynamic characteristics
- A Comparison of Composite Specimens Damage area Measurements Performed using Pulsed Thermography and Ultrasonic NDT Methods
- An Analysis and Testing of Functional Availability Military Vehicles, in the Aspect of Reliability
- An Analysis of Reliability of Military Vehicles
- An Energy Analysis of Impact Strength Tests Using Pendulum Hammers
- Analysis of a possibility of using fuzzy logic to assess the reliability of aircraft on-board systems
- Analysis of air flow through the engine intake and exhaust ducts
- Analysis of the operation process of a training aircraft-Cessna 150
- Application of the transport problem from the criterion of time to optimize supply network with products „FAST-RUNNING”
- Automatic Commercial Aircraft Formation Flight
- Badania porównawcze przyczepności powłok lakierniczych stosowanych na powierzchni kompozytów polimerowych wzmacnianych włóknami węglowymi
- CFD analysis of charge exchange in an aircraft opposed-piston diesel engine
- Comparative analysis of vitality of GPS and GLONASS satellite systems
- Comparative studies of tribological properties of carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites (CFRP) in dry sliding friction conditions
- Computational Methods in Engineering Science
- Design and Simulation of Small-Scale Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine with Diffuser Effect
- Devices for the samples preparation for determination of impact strength of adhesive joints tested to clevage
- Dyscyplina przestrzegania przepisów bezpieczeństwa ruchu w towarowym transporcie drogowym
- Electromagnetic Launcher Aviation Gun of the Future
- Evaluation of the properties of polymer composites with carbon nanotubes in the aspect of their abrasive wear
- Experimental Investigation of Problems of Drift in Aerial Spraying
- Fuzzy applications in selected aircraft on-board system
- Hazards and Risk Minimization of Manned Interplanetary Missions
- Helicopter Main Rotor aerodynamic simulation using CFD method
- Hydro-Thermal Fatigue of Polymer Matrix Composite Biomaterials
- Interferometric Signatures of Electron Transfer through Majorana Bound States
- Kinematic issues of a spatial disorientation simulator
- Kondo Impurity between Superconducting and Metallic Reservoir: The Flow Equation Approach
- Maintaining a Continuous Readinessfor Military Pilot Flights by Using Mobile Technology
- Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations of Aerial Spraying and Droplets Distribution in a Target Site
- Means of transport and distribution system of aviation fuels in state aviation
- Modelling hydrodynamic characteristics of the underwater glider based on Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Modelling of Helicopter Main Rotor Aerodynamic Loads in Manoeuvres
- Modern laminate composite designed for aircraft construction
- Numerical analysis and experimental studies of aircraft wing models
- Numerical analysis of the impact of sidelslip angle on load of the gyrocopter stabilizers
- Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Particular Parts of the High Efficient Electric Vehicle on the Aerodynamic Forces
- On Some Applications of the Fleet Assignment Models for Measurement of Schedule Reliability Performance in Unstable Environment
- Preliminary examinations of impact strength of adhesive lap joints
- Perspective Assumptions of Pilot Training on Multi-Role Combat Aircraft in Poland
- Reduction of the vibration amplitudes of a harmonically excited sandwich beam with controllable core
- Selecting a material for an aircraft diesel engine block
- Statistical Analysis Of Aviation Accidents And Incidents Caused By Failure Of Hydraulic Systems
- Techniki pilotażu w lotach próbnych. Stateczność statyczna i dynamiczna samolotu
- Testowanie metod określania odporności na zarysowania powierzchni hełmów strażackich
- The assessment of modified block samples for the investigation of impact strength of adhesive joints
- The Comparison of the Operation Process for Two Training Aircrafts - Diamond DA 20-C1 and Cessna 150
- The cone of acceptance and magnetic rigidity cutoff of galactic cosmic ray particles for different models of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field from 1965-2015 in the Deblin airport, Poland
- The importance of starting an aircraft engine during a flight
- The influence of the powder additive upon selected mechanical properties of a composite
- Using Fuzzy Logic to Stabilize the Position of a Multi Rotor
- Zagrożenia i wypadki drogowe spowodowane nie ustępowaniem pierwszeństwa
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Self-organization with small range interactions: equilibria and creation of bipolarity
- Identification of emission indicators harmful compounds for assessment of dynamic state of a marine diesel engine
- Method for assessing the technical condition of marine diesel engine driving the synchronous generator
- Simulation of concentrations harmful compounds from main ships propulsion engine cooperating with a fixed pitch propeller in dynamic states
- The influence of Mg addition and hydrostatic extrusion HE on the repassivation ability of pure AI, AIMg1 and AIMg3 model alloys in 3.5 wt-% NaCl
- Identyfication of indicators sensitivity of emissions as a diagnostic parameter during the dynamic process of marine diesel engine
- Marine diesel engine Common Rail injectors monitoring with vibration parameters ; Kontrola stanu technicznego wtryskiwaczy Common Rail silników okretowych na podstawie pomiarów parametrów drganiowych
- Method of evaluation of the technical condition of the Diesel-electric unit ; Metoda oceny stanu technicznego okrętowego zespołu spalinowo-elektrycznego
- Minimization Problem Subject to Constraint of Availability in Semi-Markov Reliability Models
- A New Analytical and Numerical Method for Describing the Response of a Linear Antenna for Pulse Excitation Submission
- Optimization problem subject to constraint of availability in semi-Markov models of operation
- Modelling of the Normobaric and Hyperbaric Facilities Ventilation
- Technical aspect concerning vessels halt safety upon terrorist hazard ; Techniczny aspekt zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa postoju okrętów w świetle zagrożeń terrorystycznych
- Determination of material characteristics necessary for modelling of marine structures exposed to small-calibre bullet
- Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process and Compound Poisson Process in the Modelling of Random Processes Related to Road Accidents
- Random models of accidents at Baltic Port and sea water areas
- Passive Corrosion Protection of Al-Zn-Mg alloy in Seawater
- Precise control of the unmanned surface ship : selected problems
- A Generalised Amnistic Model for the Development of Underwater Technology
- On a method for supporting visual identification of underwater objects ; O pewnej metodzie wspomagania identyfikacji wizyjnej obiektów podwodnych
- The optimisation of underwater exploration strategies which are to be implemented for process development purposes
- Context analysis in the development of diving technologies
- Designing of diving technologies process approach
- Fuzzy Identification of The Reliability State of The Mine Detecting Ship Propulsion System
- Na ratunek załogom okrętów podwodnych
- Sprzężenie impulsu pola elektrycznego z przewodem ; Coupling a pulse of electric field with cable
- Concept and First Results of Optical Navigational System
- Preliminary Calculations for Minehunter's Genset Foundations
- Evaluation of the engine technical condition based on criterial analysis of exhaust emission indicators
- Procedures of Power Distribution in Propulsion System of Torpedo-shaped Underwater Vehicle
- Koshelev antenna as an element of the antenna array
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- A mathematical model to optimize the pilot training process
- A mobility analysis of using the Rhex-type mobile robot in various surroundings
- Ablative test of composites with epoxy resin and expanded perlite
- Accuracy Assessment of Aircraft Positioning by Using the DGLONASS Method in the GBAS System
- Adaptation of city buses to the needs of airport terminal passenger transport
- Advantages of Compressor Downstream air Parial Bleed and Supplying it Downstream of the Turbine in a Turbojet Engine
- Aircraft Docking Guidance System to the Gate Using Fuzzy Logic
- Analiza statystyczna ruchu pasażerskiego na Lotnisku Chopina
- Analiza trendów w transporcie pasżerskim w Polsce i Niemczech w latach 2004-2014
- Analysis and testing of reliability of military vehicles
- Analysis of Abrasive wear of Selected Aircraft Materials in Various Abrasion Conditions
- Application of drones in protection of state border
- Application of microwave weapons
- Badania porównawcze ablacyjnych właściwości kompozytów polimerowych stosowanych na osłony termiczne rejestratorów lotniczych
- Challenges for Air Transport Providers in Czech Republic and Poland
- Combination and QCD Analysis of Charm and Beauty Production Cross-Section Measurements in Deep Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA
- Concept of ergonomic requirements for aircraft cabins
- Different defuzzification methods in guimbal cabri G2 helicopter takeoff possibility evaluation
- Effect of glass-fabrics and high-melting powder fillers on thermal protective properties of thermosetting laminates
- Electrical properties study of fibre reinforced polymeric materials used in aircraft structures
- Estimation of Deformation Energy During Impact Destruction of Adhesive Joint Samples
- Evaluation of the reliability of composite materials used in aviation
- Experimental Research of Effectiveness of Brakes in Passenger Cars Under Selected Conditions
- Further Studies of Isilated Photon Production With a Jet in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
- Fuzzy logic controller design for the anti-icing system in the DA42 diamond aircraft
- Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for the Ground Collision Avoidance System (GCAS)
- Impact of Work of Turbine Adaptive Engines fir the Natural Environment
- Influence of geometric charakteristics of the bomb-fluger system on its dynamics
- Investigation into the thermal resistance of a polymer composite with aerogel
- Investigation of aerodynamic interference in a multirotor by PIV method
- Investigation of thermal diffusivity of Fe80Ni20 alloy by means of modified pulse method
- Investigation of thermophysical properties of thin-layered paint
- Measurement of flight parameters in terms of toxic emissions of the aircraft radial engine ASz62-IR
- Method for estimating the static friction degree in the slide pair of the miniaturised electrohydraulic servomechanism
- Metoda analizy wypadków lotniczych spowodowanych dezorientacją przestrzenną pilota
- Model dynamiki zrzutu bomby w warunkach turbulencji
- Model matematyczny ruchu układu bomba-fluger
- Model ruchu sterowanej bomby lotniczej w warunkach turbulencji
- Modelowanie i symulacja numeryczna dynamiki zrzutu bomby korygowanej
- Multi-criteria mathematical model of the pilot training process
- Numerical investigation of the gyroplane longitudinal static stability for the selected stabilizer angles
- Numerical simulations of a bird strike against a helicopter windshield
- Ocena funkcjonowania układu równowagi kandydatów na pilotów wojskowych
- Ocena jakości odwzorowania przyspieszeń w wirowce przeciążeniowej
- Ocena możliwości zastąpienia nitów typu solid w połączeniach konstrukcji lotniczych
- Real-time work simulations of aircraft unit fuzzy reliability evaluator
- Reliability of the aircraft in the Polish operational aviation
- Risk analysis with the usage of IT system TURAWA
- Stanowisko do wyznaczania położenia środka masy ciała człowieka
- Statistical analysis of ground-related incidents at airports
- Studium udarności połączeń klejowych blokowych
- Study of the pilot’s attention in the cabin during the flight
- Study on Magnetorheological Damper as a Device for Reduction of Dynamic Effects in a Hunting Shotgun
- The design and simulation of an automated de-icing control system in the aircraft diamond DA42
- The effect of the addition of nanotubes upon the thermo-protective properties of the aramid-reinforced composite
- The effect of using the kline-fogleman modification upon the coefficient characteristics of aerodynamic forces in the airfoil
- The Evaluation of the Efficiency of Active Control System for Aerial Bomb
- The possibility of a visual analysis of the failure of butt adhesive joints made with different glues
- The study on loads on an aircraft piston engine continental motors IOF-240-B5B in training flights
- The Impact of Changes in the Designs of Concrete Airport Pavement on Its Strength Properties
- The Impact of Metal Reinforcement Upon the Properties of a Composite
- The Influence of Selecteed Adhesive Properties and the Manner of Surface Preparation upon Impact Strength of Block Adhesive Joints
- The Influence of the Joint Thickness upon Impact Strength of Block Adhesive Joints
- The initial analysis of the aerodynamic characterisics of a 3D printed model of an aircraft
- The magnetic field curvature correction algorithm dedicated for helmet mounted cueing systems
- The simulation of the work of the automatic propulsion steering system in the ZLIN 143LSi aircraft
- The Use of a Fuzzy Logic to Eliminate an Error in Measuring the Flight Altitude of the W-3 "Sokół" Helicopter
- The Use of Fuzzy Expert System for an Automatic Control of the Propulsion System in the Aircraft Zlin 143LSi
- Thermophysical Properties of Temperature Sensitive Paint
- Urban logistics of small electric vehicle charged from a photovoltaic carport
- Use of ARAMIS for fatigue process control in the accelerated test for composites
- Wpływ wartości współczynnika sprężystości wzdłużnej kleju na udarność połączeń klejowych blokowych
- Wyznaczanie opymalnej trajektorii lotu BSP z wykorzystaniem metody gradientów sprzężonych
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- Identification of dynamics of electric power transmission system of underwater vehicle
- A physical model of energetic processes in a diesel marine generator set
- Initial tests of emissions of harmful compounds in the exhaust of a marine gas turbine engine in operating conditions
- Nonhomogeneous compound Poisson process application to modeling of random processes related to accidents in the Baltic Sea waters and ports
- Assessment of noise and vibration hazards generated by hybrid PEM-FC personal power supply
- Microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance of thermomechanically processed AlZn6Mg0.8Zr Alloy
- Microstructural and practographic analysis of plastically deformed Al-Zn-Mg alloy subjected to combined high-cycle bending-torsion fatigue
- General construction and classification of manipulators for underwater vehicles ; Ogólna budowa i klasyfikacja manipulatorów pojazdów podwodnych
- Securing the hyperbaric treatment of decompression sickness in the polish navy
- The practical aspects of implementation of the thrust allocation procedure for a multi-propulsor underwater robot ; Praktyczne aspekty implementacji procedury alokacji naporów dla wielopędnikowego statku głębionowego
- Corrosion influence on safety of hydraulic pipelines installed on decks of contemporary product andchemical tankers
- Ranking of toxic compound concentrations as diagnostic parameetrs of marine internal combustion engine
- The Effect of Oxygenated Diesel-N-Butanol Fuel Blends on Combustion, Performance, and Exhaust Emissions of a Turbocharged CRDI Diesel Engine
- Generalizations of Poisson Process in The Modeling of Random Processes Related to Road Accidents
- Analysis of marine piston engine injectors dynamic state for the non-invasive diagnostics purpose
- The use of a mathematical model of marine diesel engine in a computer program
- Ewolucja w siłowni
- Inżynieria ukryta w głębinach
- Determination of dynamic characteristics of austenitic steel to be utilized in FEM simulation and its verification ; Wyznaczanie charakterystyki dynamicznej stali austenitycznej na potrzeby symulacji MES i jej weryfikacja
- Methods for determining mechanical losses of marine diesel engines ; Metody wyznaczania strat mechanicznych okrętowego tłokowego silnika spalinowego
- Methods for treatment of decompression sickness developed during wreck penetration ; Metody leczenia choroby dekompresyjnej zaistaniałej podczas penetracji wraku
- Nonhomogeneous stochastic processes connected to Poisson process ; Niejednorodne procesy stochastyczne związane z procesem Poissona
- Report on research with biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle - low level control ; Raport z badań nad biomimetycznym autonomicznym pojazdem podwodnym - sterowanie niskopoziomowe
- Report on research with biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle - navigation and autonomous operation ; Raport z badań nad biomimetycznym autonomicznym pojazdem podwodnym - nawigacja i autonomiczny system sterowania
- Selected decompression procedures for survivors who became saturated in a sunken wreck ; Wybrane procedury dekompresyjne dla rozbitków, którzy zostali poddani saturacji we wraku zatopionej jednostki
- Ocena adekwatności modelu okrętowego tłokowego silnika spalinowego opracowanego na potrzeby badań diagnostycznych ; The adequacy of marine diesel engine model developed for diagnostic test
Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa
- A method to assess the reliability of the aircraft airframe on the basis of operational data
- Analiza efektywności układów naprowadzania lotniczych środków bojowych
- Analiza numeryczna opływu aerodynamicznego wokół elementów nosnych statku powietrznego
- Analiza przełomów udarowych połączeń klejowych blokowych
- Analiza skuteczności lotniczej broni lufowej
- Analiza trendu liczby licencji lotniczych w Polsce
- Analiza wpływu zastosowania wingletów na charakterystyki aerodynamiczne skrzydła szybowca mdm-1 fox
- Analysis of Propulsion Systems of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Application of Triaxial Gyroscopic Platform in Onboard Systems of Flying Objects
- Bezpieczeństwo i komfort przewozów pasażerów autobusami lotniskowymi
- Experimental and Preliminary Numerical Dynamic Analysis of Effect of Sample Geometry on Impact Strength of Adhesive Joints
- Flow visualization over an airfoil with flight control surfaces in a water tunnel
- Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for the Ground Collision Avoidance System (GCAS)
- Impact of Frequency of Load Changes in Fatigue Tests on the Temperature of the Modified Polymer
- Influence of a Bird Model Shape on the Thickness of a Helicopter Windshield During a Bird Strike Numerical Analysis
- Influence of fibre reinforcement on selected mechanical properties of dental composites
- Influence of the Atmospheric Turbulence on the Accuracy of the Missile Targeting
- Investigation of ballistic resistance of adhesive bonded multi-layer structures
- Modelowanie adaptacyjnego sterowania procesem blokowania przekładni hydrokinetycznej autobusów lotniskowych
- Niebezpieczne zdarzenia na lotniskach oraz ich monitorowanie
- Non-parametric reliability assessment of composite items
- Numerical analysis of collision of the multimaterial bird model with helicopter windshield
- Numerical analysis of front axle bracket strength in farm tractor
- Numerical Analysis of Impact Loading of Adhesive Joints
- Numerical analysis of the influence of particular autogyro parts on the aerodynamic forces
- Parametryczna optymalizacja układów przeniesienia napędu lotniskowych środków transportu
- Pomiar dokładności obiektu BSP wyposażonego w odbiornik GNSS w warunkach statycznych i kinematycznych
- Posturographic Tests of Candidates for Military Pilots
- Properties of novel composite alloys used for the engine pistons
- Simulation modeling of fuzzy logic controller for aircraft engines
- Sposoby zabudowy silnika tłokowego przeciwsobnego do śmigłowca
- Studies of the Diffractive Photoproduction of Isolated Photons at HERA
- Szacowanie zniszczeń drogi startowej w wyniku oddziaływania przeciwnika. Cz.2
- The analysis of the properties of ablative composites with carbon and MMT nanofiller reinforcement
- The application of probability elements in optimizing supply of spare parts and components in aviation
- The Influence of Thermal Loads on Modern Road Concrete Pavements in Poland
- The selected aspects of the research into impact loading of adhesive joints in block samples—the influence of the sample geometry
- Thermal protective properties of thermosetting glass-fabrics laminates with high-melting powder fillers
- Using fuzzy logic expert system for the estimation of the ARS-880 radar range
- Using fuzzy logic expert system for the estimation of the probability of armour penetration by PGU-14 shells fired from the GAU-8/A CA
- Water tunnel visualisation and numerical analysis of flow around TS-11 ISKRA wing with flow control surfaces
- Wykorzystanie bezzałogowego statku powietrznego klasy Micro w misjach rozpoznawczych
- Wykorzystanie logiki rozmytej do oceny stresu i zaangażowania studentów w pracę przed zbliżającym się egzaminem
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
- A method of determination of radio communication channel response
- Possibilities of Belzona adhesive joints application for austenitic steel used in ship constructions
- Możliwość badania emisji związków szkodliwych w spalinach okrętowego turbinowego silnika spalinowego w warunkach eksploatacji ; Possibility of emissions test harmful compounds in the exhaust marine turbine engine during operation
- Okrętowe stale austenityczne - charakterystyka eksploatacyjna ; Ship austenitic steels - operational characteristics
- Evaluation of marine gas turbine engine parameters in terms of exhaust harmful emissions
- Utilization of the zero unitarization method for the building of a ranking for diagnostic marine engine parameters
- High and medium speed marine diesel engines injection installation vibration diagnostics ; Diagnostyka drganiowa instalacji wtryskowej szybko i średnioobrotowych okrętowych silników spalinowych
- Online assessment of the lead - acid battery electrical capacity on submarines ; Ocena online pojemności okrętowej baterii ołowiowo-kwasowej
- The impact estimation of damping foundations in dynamics of the rotor system ; Ocena wpływu tłumienia fundamentów na charakterystyki dynamiczne układów wirnikowych
- Determination of the chemical composition of shells of chemical munitions in the estimation of the rate of corrosion of chemical weapons dumped in the Baltic Sea
- Corrosion of ammunition dumped in the baltic sea ; Korozja amunicji zatopionej w morzu bałtyckim
- Semi-Markov model of multi-modal transport operation
- Koncepcja wykorzystania ciepła odpadowego do wytwarzania chłodu na jednostkach pływających
- Przygotowanie do badań emisji związków szkodliwych w spalinach okrętowego turbinowego silnika spalinowego w warunkach eksploatacji
- Nonhomogenous Poisson process application to modelling accidents number at Baltic Sea waters and ports
- Semi-Markov reliability model of system composed of main subsystem, cold backup component and switch
- Mathematical modelling malfunctions of marine diesel engine
- Laboratory stand for research on mini CyberSeal
- The analysis of drive systems in unmanned underwater vehicles towards identifying the method of drive transmission ; Analiza układów napędowych bezzałogowych pojazdów głębinowych w kierunku zidentyfikowania sposobu przeniesienia napędu ;
- The analysis of drive systems in unmanned underwater vehicles towards identifying the method of drive transmission - part 2 ; Analiza układów napędowych bezzałogowych pojazdów głębinowych w kierunku zidentyfikowania sposobu przeniesienia napędu - część 2
- The risk of hydrogen explosion in a submarine : part 3; production of hydrogen mixes ; Zagrożenie wybuchem wodoru na okręcie podwodnym : cz.3; wytwarzanie mieszanin wodorowych ; Opasnotʹ vzryva vodoroda na podvodnoj lodke : č. 3.
- The risk of hydrogen explosion in a submarine : part 4; the implementation of high risk projects ; Zagrożenie wybuchem wodoru na okręcie podwodnym : cz. 4; prowadzenie projektów wysokiego ryzyka ; Opasnotʹ vzryva vodoroda na podvodnoj lodke : č. 4.
- The support of underwater works with the use of remotely operated vehicles on the example of works conducted on the wreck of the fishing boat WŁA-127 ; Wspomaganie prac podwodnych za pomocą bezzałogowych pojazdów głębinowych na przykładzie prac przy wraku
- Analiza oddziaływań dynamicznych na linię wałów okrętów transportowo-minowych ; Analysis of dynamic impacts on landing vessels shaftline
- Analiza możliwości wykorzystania materiałów polimerowych w budowie okrętów wojennych w aspekcie przepisów towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych ; Analysis of the use of polymer materials for naval shipbuilding in terms of rules of classification societies
- Wodorowe ogniwa paliwowe PEM - badania wpływu natężenia przepływu tlenu na membranę polimerową ; PEM hydrogen fuel cells - experimental studies on the effect of oxygen flow rate on the polymer membrane
- Diagnostic model of fuel installation of marine diesel engine
- Physical model of energetic processes in the marine diesel engine ; Model fizyczny procesów energetycznych zachodzących w okrętowym tłokowym silniku spalinowym
- Pollutions of the hyperbaric breathing atmosphere ; Zanieczyszczenia hiperbarycznej atmosfery oddechowej
- Semi-Markov reliability model of two different units cold standby system ; Semi-Markowski model systemu z rezerwą zimną złożony z dwóch różnych podsystemów
- Simulation of the impact resistance of Kilo type submarine loaded with non-contact mine explosion ; Symulacja wytrzymałości kadłuba okrętu podwodnego typu Kilo obciążonego falą ciśnienia od niekontaktowego wybuchu miny
- The impact of parameters of air hyperbaric exposure on the decompression chamber first ventilation ; Wpływ parametrów powietrznej ekspozycji hiperbarycznej na czas do rozpoczęcia pierwszej wentylacji komory dekompresyjnej
- The potential underwater rescue scenario in incident defined by DiveSMART project ; Potencjalny przebieg akcji ratowniczej dla katastrofy zdefiniowanej w projekcie DiveSMART
- Vibration diagnostics of the naval propulsion systems ; Diagnostyka drganiowa okrętowych układów napędowych